candiddev / homechart

Your Family's Mission Control
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Homechart v2023.05 #231

Closed thequailman closed 1 year ago

thequailman commented 1 year ago




root9191 commented 1 year ago

Hello, i cannot login via App anymore on my selfhosted Instance.. image This is what the logs look like:

7:56:10 [ERROR] function='config.(*Vault).get:50 error='error updating config from vault: empty address or token' 7:56:10 [NOTICE] Starting server...

thequailman commented 1 year ago

is your iOS version up to date? can you sign in using the web interface?

root9191 commented 1 year ago

Yes its the newest version and there are no troubles logging in via web

thequailman commented 1 year ago

Can you try logging out of the iOS app/clearing all data from it?

root9191 commented 1 year ago

I tried to log out, delete the app, rebooted the phone and installed it new but still the same..

thequailman commented 1 year ago

Ok, will check it out later. We are going to be removing Homechart from the app store because of stuff like this, the wrapper we use (Capacitor) keeps causing bugs that only affect iOS and it's becoming very problematic.

thequailman commented 1 year ago

Just pushed out a new iOS version, can you install it and see if it works now?

root9191 commented 1 year ago

thanks for your help but with the newest version the problem still isn't fixed. it looks like only the selfhosted Version is affected because i can login to via app but on the selfhosted version i get the same error message after login..

thequailman commented 1 year ago

Found the bug, I have a fixed pushed and pending Apple's approval, will update this once it's done.

thequailman commented 1 year ago

Update should be available that fixes this, sorry!

root9191 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your Help. Installed the new Update and Login was possible again 🤗 Thank you :)