candlefinance / faster-image

Fast image loading for React Native backed by performant native libraries.
MIT License
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Comparison with Expo Image and FastImage? #10

Open AdamGerthel opened 3 months ago

AdamGerthel commented 3 months ago

The package looks great! Nice to see someone picking up the void from the unmaintained FastImage!

However - One thing I'm missing in the docs is a comparison between FastImage (since it has a lot of users), and the more recent Expo Image. It would make it easier to understand why/when to pick one over the other.

TowhidKashem commented 2 months ago

I came here to ask the same thing, @gtokman if you could tell us the differences and any advantages to using this over Expo image that would be great!

bglgwyng commented 2 months ago

I'm considering fast-image as an alternative to expo-image as expo-image has a critical issue with memory In the readme of faster-image, it said that it controls requests so I hope there's no issue like that in expo-image. Did I get that right?

fukemy commented 1 month ago

faster image better than expo image because it's based on Nuke, which better than SDWebImage. Android => expo image better

Long2k1Sens commented 3 weeks ago


faster image better than expo image because it's based on Nuke, which better than SDWebImage. Android => expo image better

no bro, faster image use Coil instead of Glide on expo image -> faster image android is better

fukemy commented 3 weeks ago


faster image better than expo image because it's based on Nuke, which better than SDWebImage. Android => expo image better

no bro, faster image use Coil instead of Glide on expo image -> faster image android is better

I can not find any information that help me know Coil work better than Glide, can you provide it? Thanks