candyan / TencentOpenApiSDK

Tencent Open Api SDK
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CocoaPods dependencies that include static binaries #3

Open aelam opened 8 years ago

aelam commented 8 years ago
- ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (The 'Pods' target has transitive dependencies that include static binaries: (/private/var/folders/zp/g4lt8dzj4p3b1tb8jwl702m40000gp/T/CocoaPods/Lint/Pods/DXYWeChatSDK/SDKExport/libWeChatSDK.a, /private/var/folders/zp/g4lt8dzj4p3b1tb8jwl702m40000gp/T/CocoaPods/Lint/Pods/TencentOpenApiSDK/Basic/TencentOpenAPI.framework, and /private/var/folders/zp/g4lt8dzj4p3b1tb8jwl702m40000gp/T/CocoaPods/Lint/Pods/WeiboSDK/libWeiboSDK/libWeiboSDK.a)) during validation.

Do you know How I can fix this problem?

wutoz commented 8 years ago


aelam commented 8 years ago

使用use_frameworks! 的时候才会出上面的问题

wutoz commented 8 years ago

aelam commented 8 years ago

@wutongr 这个没有用呀. 无法搞定

wutoz commented 8 years ago

有人回答了,"In simple, if a library is not dynamic and you're trying to use it with frameworks you can use it, but you cannot use it as a dependency of something else via CocoaPods."。你是在什么情况下报的错呢?

aelam commented 8 years ago

我在as a dependency下用的 -_-||