canhorn / EventHorizon.Blazor.TypeScript.Interop.Generator

This project is a Blazor Interop C# Generator, has a sample against the BabylonJS library.
MIT License
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Generate Babylon.js documentation as well ? #27

Open aybe opened 4 years ago

aybe commented 4 years ago

I've been trying to understand why documentation of Babylon.js doesn't get generated as well, while debugging the project I've seen that JsDoc members get populated but I couldn't see any string showing the actual documentation.

As these are entirely new topics to me, I can't really tell but only guess that maybe it's the scdb/TypeScriptAST library you're using that hasn't fully implemented it yet.

Is that correct ? Otherwise, how difficult you think getting the documentation generated as well would be ?

Thanks !

canhorn commented 4 years ago

The generation is a mapping that is done manually, the AST does have documentation. But I have not worked on implementing that feature yet. I will mark this issue as a feature request.

aybe commented 4 years ago

Ok nice, thanks!