canjs / can-define

Observable properties
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Allow someone to access keys #126

Closed justinbmeyer closed 7 years ago

justinbmeyer commented 7 years ago

Related to

I'm proposing a keys method on can-define that will work for any can-define type object:

var define = require("can-define");
var DefineMap = require("can-define/map/");
var DefineList = require("can-define/list/");

var Person = function(first, last) {
  this.first = first;
  this.last = last;
define(Person.prototype, {
  first: "*",
  last: "*",
  fullName: {
    get: function() {
      return this.first + " " + this.last;

var PersonMap = DefineMap.extend({
  first: "*",
  last: "*",
  fullName: {
    get: function() {
      return this.first + " " + this.last;

var PersonList = DefineList.extend({
  "#": Person,
  get count(){ return this.length }

var person = new Person("j","m");
var personMap = new PersonMap({first: "j", last: "m"});
var personList = new PersonList([ {first: "b", last: "m"} ]);

define.keys( person ) //-> ["first","last"]
define.keys( personMap ) //-> ["first","last"]
define.keys( personList ) //-> [0, "count"]

When reading keys, this will Observe.add(this, "__keys") ... things that add new keys should trigger this event.

justinbmeyer commented 7 years ago

Part of me wonders if we should have our own symbol for this sort of thing. That way we can have generic can-util methods that use this sort of stuff.

phillipskevin commented 7 years ago

@Bajix was looking for this a few days ago:

Bajix commented 7 years ago

This should tie in w/ the work for adding define enumerable:

Also, here's a use case that we need to address:

  errors: {
    stream: function() {
      var errorStream = Kefir.merge(['.ajaxErrors'),'.validationErrors'),'.model.validationErrors')

      return errorStream.flatMap(function( errors ) {
        var eventStream ='.model').flatMap(function( model ) {
          return Stream.toStreamFromCompute(compute(function() {
            return Object.keys(model.serialize());
          })).skipDuplicates(deepEqual).flatMap(function( __keys ) {
            var pool = Kefir.pool();

            __keys.forEach(function( key ) {
              pool.plug(Stream.toStreamFromProperty(model, key).skip(1).map(function( value ) {
                return {
                  type: key,
                  value: value

            return pool;

        return eventStream.scan(function( errors, ev ) {
          errors[ev.type] = undefined;
          return errors;
        }, errors);

It's impossible right now to get a list of all keys that could be serialized. Above is an example of where that would've been extremely relevant

justinbmeyer commented 7 years ago

@Bajix why is it impossible? Doesn't Object.keys(model.serialize()) work?

Bajix commented 7 years ago

That's all keys that are serialized, not that could be serialized. The later would be necessary for simplifying the above use case

justinbmeyer commented 7 years ago

What is the difference between "are serialized" and "could be serialized"?

I'm guessing it's because we don't provide undefined values in the .serialize() result. Maybe that is a mistake?

Bajix commented 7 years ago

What is the difference between "are serialized" and "could be serialized"?

All serializable keys with values set vs all properties on define that could be set.

I was using this for registration - the user password would initially be undefined, hence it wouldn't be part of Object.keys(model.serialize()). Once password is set, it doesn't emit a keys event as it's already within the define definitions, so to observe it with streams I'd need to stream password directly, but there's no easy way of determining that it's a key that could be set at a later point. Serialize works because it reads definitions and bind to props that are initially undefined if they're serializable, plus keys for unsealed maps.

The keys event itself is broken. It should either include all keys of enumerable properties regardless of whether they're undefined and emit the keys event whenever a new key comes into existence, or it should exclusively include keys of properties that are enumerable and defined. At the very least, __keys should be made streamable.

Maybe we could add something like DefineMap.prototype.definedKeys that takes an options object w/ enumerable & serialize settings and returns keys of properties matching, then make DefineMap.prototype.keys return enumerable keys based off the current instance rather than it's define definitions.

phillipskevin commented 7 years ago

canReflect.getOwnEnumerableKeys is supported by can-define now.