[x] If the bot is in a channel alone for too long without GSI events, it should leave and stop coaching
At 0 and 30 minutes on the hour, the bot will look for sessions that haven't been active for 60 minutes (based on "timestamp") and delete them. Timestamp is set when the session is created, and then set again every time the GSI data comes in
[x] Allow private coaching started from website
[x] Allow private coaching started from non-voice discord channel
[x] Allow stop coaching from website
[x] Add "make all private" button from student page (visible only when discord is disabled)
[x] handle /coachme twice
GIVEN user A is being coached in channel A
WHEN user A types /coachme in any channel
THEN user should get an error message they are already being coached
[x] Make /stop work everywhere if you are being coached
GIVEN user A is being coached
WHEN user A to types /stop anywhere
THEN user A's session will be stopped
At 0 and 30 minutes on the hour, the bot will look for sessions that haven't been active for 60 minutes (based on "timestamp") and delete them. Timestamp is set when the session is created, and then set again every time the GSI data comes in
GIVEN user A is being coached in channel A WHEN user A types /coachme in any channel THEN user should get an error message they are already being coached
GIVEN user A is being coached WHEN user A to types /stop anywhere THEN user A's session will be stopped