canneverbe / Ketarin

Ketarin - application download helper
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Cancel button doesn't work #18

Open vertigo220 opened 1 year ago

vertigo220 commented 1 year ago

I frequently have issues where it gets hung up on a download that's not working for whatever reason, which prevents me from continuing on to do more downloads. And despite there being a cancel button, which it would seem would be the fix for such an issue, I don't think I've ever once had it actually work and cancel the current action, at least not in a timely manner. For example, I just had this issue when updating a couple dozen apps, and one is sitting there saying downloading with a white progress bar, and it has been stuck like that for ~10 minutes or more, and I hit the cancel button and it took a good couple minutes before it finally finished and showed the errors window, and it's hard to say if that was even from hitting cancel or if it just eventually timed out. Usually when this happens, I have to close Ketarin and relaunch it, which is not only annoying but then causes it to reset the view of which apps have been done.

shawnkhall commented 1 year ago

@vertigo220 please submit the app profile for the errant app to the forum.

vertigo220 commented 1 year ago

The issue isn't that an app isn't completing, it's that cancel doesn't cancel. A cancel button should stop all actions being undertaken when it's clicked, not a few minutes later, if at all.

shawnkhall commented 1 year ago

@vertigo220 unfortunately, that's just not the way most software works. Cancel will cancel operations that can be cancelled. Not all operations can be. Ketarin makes calls to third-party libraries, web servers, your own code, and the operating system itself and due to the way it relies on parsing the response in order to compose the next operation, is obligated to wait for a response. In some cases these can be coded differently in order to make the cancel operation more reliable, but it is not always possible.

The problem with this issue is that it is impossible to diagnose a problem that is literally described as "for whatever reason." You've provided literally zero context to recreate the issue and want "something" to be fixed anyway.

The only way to be able to troubleshoot this and determine if there is a bug in Ketarin itself, the specific app profile, or something up with the servers you're contacting, is to review the logs and app profile. You can provide them either here or in the forum, or you can expect this issue to remain...for you.

If you don't want to share your logs and app profile then please review the Troubleshooting downloads wiki entry which provides many of the steps to diagnose issues with your app profiles.

I would like to help you if you're willing to provide diagnostic information. Without that, though, don't expect much.

vertigo220 commented 1 year ago

I didn't want to provide it because it seemed you were misunderstanding the issue I was pointing out, and I didn't want to waste your time or mine having you looking into something that didn't need to be, i.e. trying to figure out what's wrong with the app profile, as I can do that. I'm just tired of having to kill and relaunch Ketarin every time one has an issue, hence the overall concern regarding the cancel button. After all, if it truly can't cancel the actions, why is it even there? As I said, I don't think it's ever worked, and certainly not without taking at least a few minutes. But if it will help in troubleshooting the more general issue of the cancel button not having an immediate (or at least not seriously delayed) effect, I'm happy to provide them. Of course, since it doesn't seem the log is terribly helpful, and it seems it would be preferable to have it include the actual cancellation, I tried to wait for that, but even assuming it can't simply cancel everything at will, the 15 minutes I waited before finally giving up seems a bit excessive. So here's the log after starting the problematic app update, hitting the cancel button, and waiting that long:

Tue 7 18 11:09:03 PM: Update started with 1 application(s)
Tue 7 18 11:09:04 PM: AIMP: Checking if update is required...
Tue 7 18 11:09:04 PM: AIMP: Replacing {ver_unformatted} in '{ver_unformatted:replace:, build :.}' with '5.11.2432'
Tue 7 18 11:09:04 PM: AIMP: Replacing {version} in '{version}' with '5.11.2432'
Tue 7 18 11:09:04 PM: AIMP: Update not required, {version} has not changed
Tue 7 18 11:09:04 PM: Update finished
Tue 7 18 11:09:07 PM: Update started with 1 application(s)

And here's the app profile:

AIMP Portable.txt