cano64 / ATTiny85-ATTiny84-BMP085-Arduino-Library-FastAltitude

ATTiny BMP085 Arduino Library is designed for ATTiny85 and ATTtiny84 microcontrollers using super fast and tiny calculation of altitude without pow and math library
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Getting erroneous results with the BMP085 sensor #2

Open ChandanaGopal opened 10 years ago

ChandanaGopal commented 10 years ago

I tried to interface the BMP085 sensor with arduino and ATtiny85.I got brilliant results with arduino but getting erroneous results with ATtiny85 -negative values for pressure and 300+ for temperature.I used A4 and A5 for SDA and SCL on arduino and PB0 and PB2 for SDA and SCL on ATtiny85 (as I2C pins).What can I do to overcome this problem.Has it got anything to do with the clock frequency

cano64 commented 10 years ago

you need to use TinyWireM library for I2C communication on attiny microcontrollers.