canonical / Ubuntu-Sans-fonts

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[Google Fonts specific] Verify that family names in the name table are consistent across all fonts in the family. #93

Open guidoferreyra opened 1 year ago

guidoferreyra commented 1 year ago

Verify that family names in the name table are consistent across all fonts in the family. Checks Typographic Family name (nameID 16) if present, otherwise uses Font Family name (nameID 1) Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:com.adobe.fonts/check/family/consistent_family_name> 🔥 Family check


2 different Font Family names were found:

    'Ubuntu Condensed' was found in:
        UbuntuCondensed-Bold.ttf (nameID 1)
        UbuntuCondensed-LightItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-Regular.ttf (nameID 1)
        UbuntuCondensed-Thin.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-Light.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-ExtraBold.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-Italic.ttf (nameID 1)
        UbuntuCondensed-ThinItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf (nameID 1)
        UbuntuCondensed-MediumItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-Medium.ttf (nameID 16)
        UbuntuCondensed-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf (nameID 16)

    'Ubuntu' was found in:
        Ubuntu-Medium.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-Thin.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-LightItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-Regular.ttf (nameID 1)
        Ubuntu-Bold.ttf (nameID 1)
        Ubuntu-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-MediumItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-ExtraBold.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-BoldItalic.ttf (nameID 1)
        Ubuntu-Italic.ttf (nameID 1)
        Ubuntu-ThinItalic.ttf (nameID 16)
        Ubuntu-Light.ttf (nameID 16) [code: inconsistent-family-name]
djrrb commented 1 year ago

The original version had "Ubuntu" and "Ubuntu Condensed" as separate families, and that is also how I prefer to have them arranged. So I am inclined to keep Ubuntu Condensed as a separate family unless I am told that it is unacceptable to do so.

m4rc1e commented 1 year ago

Agreed. Please keep Ubuntu Condensed as a separate family.

Fontbakery cannot handle multiple families either.