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Charmed Kubeflow
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Unable to create Experiment from Dashboard #375

Closed RosaCandela closed 2 years ago

RosaCandela commented 3 years ago

/kind bug

What steps did you take and what happened:

We installed Kubeflow from Microk8s on a Ubuntu VM, using the following commands:

We accessed the dashboard using the link, displayed at the end of the installation, and enabling the SOCKS proxy.

Once logged in the dashboard, we are unable to create an experiment and, consequently a run, from a pipeline. This is the error we get when clicking on Create experiment:

Experiment creation failed {"error":"Validate experiment request failed.: Invalid input error: In single-user mode, CreateExperimentRequest shouldn't contain resource references.","code":3,"message":"Validate experiment request failed.: Invalid input error: In single-user mode, CreateExperimentRequest shouldn't contain resource references.","details":[{"@type":"","error_message":"In single-user mode, CreateExperimentRequest shouldn't contain resource references.","error_details":"Validate experiment request failed.: Invalid input error: In single-user mode, CreateExperimentRequest shouldn't contain resource references."}]}

What did you expect to happen: How to create an experiment or run a pipeline

Anything else you would like to add: [Miscellaneous information that will assist in solving the issue.]


Pedrohgv commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue. Any solution for this yet?

G-Lauz commented 3 years ago

Hi! I have the same issue but with a different error:

What steps did you take and what happened:

I installed Kubeflow on Microk8s with Charmed Kubeflow using the followings commands:

$ sudo snap install microk8s --classic
$ sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER
$ su - $USER

$ microk8s.enable dns storage ingress istio
$ microk8s.enable metallb:

$ sudo snap install juju --classic
$ juju bootstrap microk8s micro
$ juju add-model kubeflow
$ juju deploy cs:kubeflow-lite

$ microk8s.kubectl patch role -n kubeflow istio-ingressgateway-operator -p '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"Role","metadata":{"name":"istio-ingressgateway-operator"},"rules":[{"apiGroups":["*"],"resources":["*"],"verbs":["*"]}]}'

$ juju config dex-auth public-url=http://<istio-ingressgateway address>
$ juju config oidc-gatekeeper public-url=http://<istio-ingressgateway address>

I can access the dashboard with the same address define in the last commands e.g.

Once logged in the dashboard, I'm unable to create an experiment and, consequently a run, from a pipeline. This is the error I get when clicking on Create experiment:

An error occurred
{"error":"Invalid input error: In single-user mode, ListExperiment cannot filter by namespace.","code":3,"message":"Invalid input error: In single-user mode, ListExperiment cannot filter by namespace.","details":[{"@type":"","error_message":"In single-user mode, ListExperiment cannot filter by namespace.","error_details":"Invalid input error: In single-user mode, ListExperiment cannot filter by namespace."}]}

It's also the same error that were report in this issue: #393

What did you expect to happen:

Create an experiment and then run a pipeline.

Anything else you would like to add:

I also tried the patches from @phvalguima in these issues: #393 and #394 and I end up with the same result as him.


phvalguima commented 3 years ago

@G-Lauz @RosaCandela I've eventually exposed the kfp-ui service directly, via NodePort as a work-around:

$ kubectl expose deployment -n kubeflow --type=NodePort kfp-ui --name=kfp-ui-nodeport
$ kubectl describe svc -n kubeflow kfp-ui-nodeport # Find out which port is it mapped on the node

Then, you can connect to the kfp-ui-nodeport directly: ip-of-your-host:nodeport. That works for me.

As pointed out below, that means your kfp-ui-nodeport will be available without authentication in this case.

G-Lauz commented 3 years ago

Thanks you for your answer @phvalguima.

Your solution work well for me too. But I'm concern about the security issue that can lead to.

By pushing a bit your idea I found out that the error come up only when we aren't using a namespace (e.g. : admin (owner)) and using the default namespace instead. If I manage to not login through the Dex authentication page I can access the dashboard in that default namespace and then everything work well (except that I can't access any notebook because we need a namespace for them).

The issue might be relate to this kubeflow/pipeline#1881

wodecki commented 2 years ago

Solved by reinstalling kubeflow according to instructions provided here:

DnPlas commented 2 years ago

Hi @RosaCandela, this is a known issue present in our previous release that is fixed in our latest (v1.4). The Kubeflow add-on for Microk8s is an old version and won't get updates in the short or mid-term, we recommend you deploy Kubeflow following the instructions in our Install guide instead of using the add-on. I'm closing this issue, but feel free to re-open or file a new one in case you come across any problem.