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feat(scripts): integrate frontend web application build into snap pac… #4

Closed adglkh closed 2 years ago

adglkh commented 2 years ago


This change integrates frontend web application build into snap package. The flutter plugin is currently in beta and for now there are a few limitations and caveats:

  1. The flutter extension which provide many of the components needed to build Flutter applications doesn't work for core20 base, for this reason, we have to use core18 base snap.
  2. In order to build the flutter application, we added [flutter-master] extension to the webserver, however this extension is designed for the flutter desktop application and it uses gnome-3-28 extension, this makes the snap a bit fat(16 MB) and connects a bunch of plugs like x11, opengl which are needless for a webserver based application.
  3. As we have to use the base18 core snap, where python3.6 is installed natively to resolve the following conflict.

    The conflict is caused by:
    flask 2.0.3 depends on Werkzeug>=2.0
    talisker[flask,gevent,gunicorn] 0.19.0 depends on Werkzeug<1.2 and >=0.10.4

    we have to downgrade the flask to 1.1.2.

Test: build the snap package and install it locally and check if the UI served properly.