the opensdk library should be using the admin interface endpoints to communicate with the services to ensure access to the admin-specific data it may be aquiring. otherwise, bindings to both public, admin, and oam-space will be necessary for the charm deployment. This should only be oam/default space and admin space, and should not be binding to the public space.
the opensdk library should be using the admin interface endpoints to communicate with the services to ensure access to the admin-specific data it may be aquiring. otherwise, bindings to both public, admin, and oam-space will be necessary for the charm deployment. This should only be oam/default space and admin space, and should not be binding to the public space.
Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.
date created: 2020-09-18T17:42:04Z
owner: afreiberger
assignee: addyess
the launchpad url