canonical / cos-configuration-k8s-operator

This charmed operator for Kubernetes enables you to provide configurations to various components of the Canonical Observability Stack (COS) bundle.
Apache License 2.0
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use ruff instead of flake8 #60

Closed lucabello closed 1 year ago

lucabello commented 1 year ago

The flake8 plugins we use are re-implemented in ruff, which is why they have been removed from the dependencies.

isort is enabled (and used when formatting) through the I001 rule.

The "exclude list" has been updated to omit folders that ruff excludes by default.

Everything else is the same, the only difference being one new rule being ignored (which weren't check before anyway):

lucabello commented 1 year ago

Looks like unit tests on this were broken; I've fixed some, but for the others I'm clueless so they're probably worth a separate ticket?