Extract the downloaded file (ubuntu-font-family-0.83.zip)
Navigate to the extracted folder (C:\Users\\Desktop\ubuntu-font-family-0.83__MACOSX\ubuntu-font-family-0.83__MACOSX) and install one of the fonts (i.e. ._Ubuntu-B.ttf)
Then you will get the error: ._Ubuntu-B.ttf is not a valid font file.
Current and expected result
I should be able to install the fonts on Windows 10 without any issues.
I wouldn't trust that, that video seems extremely malicious (disabled like count, disabled comments etc) and the cherry on top is the ransom-video-like sounds in the background.
I tried to install the Ubuntu fonts to Windows 10 but failed with this error: ._Ubuntu-B.ttf is not a valid font file.
Current and expected result
I should be able to install the fonts on Windows 10 without any issues.
See below.
As a workaround, I downloaded the source code (https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/0f5898c1-ubuntu-font-family-sources_0.83.orig.tar.gz) and installed the Ubuntu fonts shown in the screenshot.