Failure alerts are implemented through integration with Prometheus Charm from Canonical Observability Stack. Prometheus creates scrape jobs based on configured alert rules defined by istio-pilot (istiod) Charm. Then it scrapes targets, retrieves defined metrics, and performs required calculations.
Setup MicroK8S cluster and Juju controller:
microk8s enable dns storage metallb:","
juju bootstrap microk8s uk8s
juju add-model test
Deploy Prometheus and istio-pilot and relate them.
juju deploy prometheus-k8s --trust
charmcraft pack -v -p ./charms/istio-pilot # assuming you are in the root of this repo
charmcraft pack -v -p ./charms/istio-gatewat
juju deploy ./istio-pilot_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm --trust --default-gateway=test
juju deploy ./istio-gateway_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm istio-ingressgateway --trust --kind=ingress
juju relate istio-ingressgateway istio-pilot
juju relate prometheus-k8s istio-pilot
Navigate to Prometheus dashboard https://<Prometheus-unit-IP>:9090, select Status->Targets
There should be Promethus scrape job that targets Argo Workflows metrics endpoint (http://<istiod-IP>:15014/metrics) entry with no errors.
Received alerts can also be verified under Alerts tab.
Finalise work done for istio-pilot during Obeservability Workshop
Branch for integration with grafana, prometheus: Branch for alert rules: Prometheus deployment
Failure alerts are implemented through integration with Prometheus Charm from Canonical Observability Stack. Prometheus creates scrape jobs based on configured alert rules defined by istio-pilot (istiod) Charm. Then it scrapes targets, retrieves defined metrics, and performs required calculations.
Setup MicroK8S cluster and Juju controller:
Deploy Prometheus and istio-pilot and relate them.
Navigate to Prometheus dashboard
, select Status->Targets There should be Promethus scrape job that targets Argo Workflows metrics endpoint (http://<istiod-IP>:15014/metrics
) entry with no errors.Received alerts can also be verified under Alerts tab.