canonical / istio-operators

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feat: enable Istio CNI plugin by default #365

Closed DnPlas closed 5 months ago

DnPlas commented 6 months ago

feat: enable Istio CNI plugin by default

This commit enables the Istio CNI plugin by default in all new deployments of istio-pilot provided the required charm configuration is present; otherwise the control plane remains intact. It is also ensured that the required configurations are present when upgrading to future versions so the plugin is correctly installed on existing control planes (versions <1.17).

Fixes #356 Part of #351

Testing instructions


Test charm installation 1. Set env variables ``` DEFAULT_GATEWAY="test-gateway" KNATIVE_CHANNEL="latest/edge" ``` 2. Build and deploy `istio-pilot` from this branch ` juju deploy ./istio-pilot_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm --config default-gateway=${DEFAULT_GATEWAY} --trust --config cni-bin-dir= --config cni-conf-dir=` For microk8s these values are: * /var/snap/microk8s/current/opt/cni/bin * /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/cni-network 3. Deploy `istio-gateway` from Charmhub `juju deploy istio-gateway istio-ingressgateway --config kind="ingress" --channel latest/edge --trust` 4. Relate istio apps ` juju relate istio-pilot istio-ingressgateway` 5. Wait for them to be active and idle 6. Check that a new Pod (istio-cni-xxxx) in the model namespace is created. ##### Test integration with other charms and fix for #356 1. Deploy kserve, knative and profile operators ``` juju deploy knative-operator --channel ${KNATIVE_CHANNEL} --trust juju deploy knative-serving --config namespace="knative-serving" --config istio.gateway.namespace=${MODEL_NAME} --config${DEFAULT_GATEWAY} --channel ${KNATIVE_CHANNEL} --trust juju deploy kubeflow-profiles --channel latest/edge --trust juju deploy kserve-controller --channel latest/edge --config deployment-mode="serverless" --trust ``` 2. Add required relations ``` juju relate istio-pilot:gateway-info kserve-controller:ingress-gateway juju relate kserve-controller:local-gateway knative-serving:local-gateway ``` 3. Create a profile `kubectl apply -f` 4. Create a `ISVC` in the recently created profile namespace `kubectl -f -nprofilename` 5. Check the pod for the `isvc` goes to a `Running` state and the `isvc` readiness is True. You could also perform inference following [this]( guide.
Test charm upgrade 1. Set env variables ``` DEFAULT_GATEWAY="test-gateway" ``` 2. Deploy `istio-pilot` from Charmhub `juju deploy istio-pilot --channel latest/edge --trust` 3. Deploy `istio-gateway` from Charmhub `juju deploy istio-gateway istio-ingressgateway --config kind="ingress" --channel latest/edge --trust` 4. Relate istio apps ` juju relate istio-pilot istio-ingressgateway` 5. Wait for them to be active and idle 7. Build and refresh `istio-pilot` from this branch ` juju refresh istio-pilot --path=./istio-pilot_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm` 8. The upgrade by itself won't install the cni-plugin, we must provide the cni configurations for the plugin to be enabled: ``` juju config istio-pilot cni-bin-dir= juju config istio-pilot cni-conf-dir=` ``` For microk8s these values are: * /var/snap/microk8s/current/opt/cni/bin * /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/cni-network 9. To verify the plugin was installed, we can check the pods in the model namespace, there should be an `istio-cni-xxxx` Pod present. This is not the case when the plugin is disabled. To do a more extensive test, you can follow the steps in "Test integration with other charms and fix for #356" from a previos section.