canonical / jhack

Chock-full of Juju hackery.
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 24 forks source link

Examples for nuke are not properly formatted #43

Closed rgildein closed 1 year ago

rgildein commented 1 year ago

After running jhack nuke --help, I can see that there are several usage examples, but they are not properly formatted and thus difficult to read.

x1:➜  ~ jhack nuke --help   
Usage: jhack nuke [OPTIONS] [WHAT]...

  Surgical carpet bombing tool.

  Attempts to guess what you want to burn, and rains holy vengeance upon it.

  Examples:     $ jhack nuke     will vanquish the current model     $ jhack
  nuke test-foo-*     will bomb all nukeables starting with `test-foo-` ,
  including:      - models      - applications      - relations     $ jhack
  nuke --model foo bar-*     will bomb all nukeables starting with `bar-` in
  model foo. As above.     $ jhack nuke -n=2 *foo*     will blow up the two
  things it can find that contain the substring "foo"

  Nuke ascii art by Bill March from

  [WHAT]...  What to ⚛.

  -s, --select TEXT     Selector specifiers to choose what to ⚛.A lower-case
                        letter indicates `include`, an upper-case one
                        indicates `exclude`.

                        m := models; a := apps; r := relations

                        Examples:`ma` = only include models and apps in the
                        target selection (equivalent to `R`). `AR` = exclude
                        models and relations (equivalent to `m`)
  -m, --model TEXT      The model. Defaults to current model.
  -n, --number INTEGER  Exact number of things you're expectig to get
                        nuked.Safety first.
  -b, --borked          Nukes all borked applications in current or target
  --dry-run             Do nothing, print out what would have happened.
  -c, --color TEXT      Color scheme to adopt. Supported options: ['auto',
                        'standard', '256', 'truecolor', 'windows', 'no'] no:
                        disable colors entirely.  [default: auto]
  --help                Show this message and exit.                                                                                  [1.33s]
x1:➜  ~ snap info jhack
name:      jhack
summary:   Make charming charming again.
publisher: Pietro Pasotti (ppasotti)
license:   unset
description: |
  An opinionated collection of scripts and utilities for charmers.

  In order to use the cli tools that hit the juju api, you'll need to connect the
  dot-local-share-juju interface.

  Command: `sudo snap connect jhack:dot-local-share-juju snapd`

  Jhack needs that interface to obtain WRITE access to `~/.local/share/juju`, which is the folder
  where your local juju client stores its state, including:
    - cloud credentials
    - what controllers are registered, which controller is current
    - what models are present on each controller, which model is current

  If you see errors like:

      ERROR cannot load ssh client keys: open /home/pietro/.local/share/juju/ssh: permission denied
      No relations found in model None.

  Then you probably forgot to connect that plug.
  - jhack
snap-id:      gnxWJ9Sdlew4qfduWHEW8oczvdo2mvTT
tracking:     latest/candidate
refresh-date: today at 10:13 CET
  latest/stable:    0.3.2 2022-11-02 (120) 99MB -
  latest/candidate: 0.3.4 2023-01-02 (135) 99MB -
  latest/beta:      0.3.4 2023-01-02 (135) 99MB -
  latest/edge:      0.3.7 2023-01-25 (166) 99MB -
installed:          0.3.4            (135) 99MB -                                                                                    [0.40s]
PietroPasotti commented 1 year ago

Yeah I noticed it some time ago but didn't take the time to fix it yet. Still have to figure out how to properly do CLI help formatting. Thanks, will fix that in the coming days.

PietroPasotti commented 1 year ago
