canonical / juju-lint

Run checks against a juju model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Validate that charm configs are pointing to same releases #37

Open zxhdaze opened 4 months ago

zxhdaze commented 4 months ago

juju-lint should check for consistent

settings across charms.

For instance, the channel on kubernetes-worker and kubernetes-master should match (e.g. "1.17/stable")

source across charms such as mysql, rabbitmq-server, ceph-mon, and ceph-osd should be compared. Potentially against openstack-origin for openstack charms.

Keystone openstack-origin should match all openstack-origins of other openstack charms, and series of applications should match (bionic/xenial/etc)

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

zxhdaze commented 4 months ago

(by ec0) +1, great suggestion. I think implementing a "wildcard" charm name might make most sense. Any settings specified under the wildcard could be checked only if the setting was present on the charm. We could also add a configuration operator of "same" or something that checked if the setting was consistent across the entire model.

This could of course be implemented today with the configuration checking logic, it would just lead to a lot of duplication, and the lint rules would need to be updated for each deployment, to match the desired OpenStack version.

zxhdaze commented 4 months ago

(by gabrielcocenza) This is related with bug 1974090