canonical / juju-lint

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Juju-lint requires landscape-server in saas #77

Closed zxhdaze closed 3 months ago

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

When running juju lint against the bundle attached using the command below, it reports that the landscape-server charm is missing.

:~$ juju-lint -c /snap/juju-lint/current/contrib/fcb-yoga-jammy.yaml bundle.yaml
2023-08-30 11:49:55 [ERROR] [bundle.yaml] [manual/manual] Ops charm 'landscape-server' is missing

The landscape-server charm doesn't relate to the landscape-client charm using juju relations but through manual charm configurations. There is no use in having landscape-server connect to the OpenStack model using saas.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

(by basdbruijne)

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

(by aieri) Hi Bas, the bundle you have attached does not contain landscape (client or server). Perhaps you have uploaded the wrong bundle?

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

(by basdbruijne) Hi Andrea. Both landscape-client and server are indeed missing. Juju-lint throws an error for both of them. This error is correct for landscape-client, which should indeed be in the bundle. I think the error is incorrect for landscape-server. Landscape-server should be in a different model and, unlike LMA and COS, does not need to show up in the saas applications of this bundle because landscape-server does not connect to the landscape-clients using juju relations.

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

(by aieri) Sorry Bas, I had misread your initial submission. Yes, you are correct that landscape-server should be in a separate model and that since it does not relate to landscape-clients[*], the error message you get is a false positive.

[*] there used to be a fork implementing registration between clients and server over a relation, but it never made it into the official codebase

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

(by mertkirpici) A fix addressing this issue is available in the edge channel. Bas could you confirm the change fixes this issue?

zxhdaze commented 3 months ago

(by basdbruijne) Thanks, Mert. The issue is indeed resolved.