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Back doesn’t work after choosing “Try Big Data Anssr Engine” #539

Open matthewpaulthomas opened 5 years ago

matthewpaulthomas commented 5 years ago

1. Go to 2. Choose “Try Big Data Anssr Engine”. 3. On the “You are about to deploy…” page, click Back.

What happens: 2. You’re taken to a page that contains a progress meter, then the normal Juju GUI flashes for a moment, then you’re taken to a “You are about to deploy…” page. 3. Back momentarily shows the normal Juju GUI again, then flings you back to the “You are about to deploy…” page.

What should happen: 3. Back should return you to the page you were on before you last clicked anything — that is,

matthewpaulthomas commented 5 years ago

When you are returned to the page, it often (though not always) displays errors: 539-jujucharms com-back-errors

Maybe that’s a separate bug, but the sudden redirect seems to provoke it.