canonical / k8s-operator

Machine charm for K8s following the operator framework
Apache License 2.0
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Add containerd_http_proxy, containerd_https_proxy and containerd_no_proxy #106

Open mcarvalhor opened 1 month ago

mcarvalhor commented 1 month ago

Enhancement Proposal

Just like MicroK8s, I believe the following settings are very valuable:

For instance: Canonical K8s can't be deployed on Prodstack at this moment without the Proxy.

addyess commented 1 month ago

You can use juju-http-proxy juju-https-proxy and juju-no-proxy from juju model config.

Does this provide you what you need?

mcarvalhor commented 1 month ago

This doesn't work, as I am still unable to query Registry in order to download pod images:

Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get sandbox image "": failed to pull image "": failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": failed to do request: Head "": dial tcp i/o timeout

I guess these don't apply to containerd.

For reference, if I run this manually on the worker/unit, I am able to query:

So proxy is allowing the connection, but containerd may not be using these proxy configs from the juju model at all.

addyess commented 1 month ago

I know you have to have the juju proxy config prior to deployment. changing them doesn't create a config changed hook (so the charm can't update them after install).

The reason i know this is b/c i regularly use k8s in a proxied situation

mcarvalhor commented 1 month ago

Hi @addyess ,

Looks like this works! Thanks! 😄

I can see that cilium, coredns and metrics-server pods from the kube-system namespace are not healthy, but I don't think this is related to the proxy now (so not related to this issue, I'm still investigating):

Is it possible to keep this open though, so that we can have this variable available on the charm directly?

We are working on a Terraform Module to automate Canonical K8s clusters deployments (just like we did for MicroK8s), and since the model may have other applications that should not be proxied (like a Docker Registry, Haproxy, Subordinates, etc), I believe having this config option on the charm is a cleaner approach.

mateoflorido commented 1 month ago

Hi @mcarvalhor There's a workaround for deployments on OpenStack. It seems like the fan interface collisions with the Cilium VXLAN interface. Please try the following workaround:

mcarvalhor commented 1 month ago

Hi @mateoflorido ,

That works perfectly and now I have a working/healthy cluster. Thanks!