Previous versions of the metadata-writer-grpc use an SDI-backed implementation of the grpc relation with mlmd. For the Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 release, mlmd's relation handling is changing to use the mlops-libs k8s_service_info library. We need to update that here as well to keep them compatible.
charm has the new relation handling and is demonstrated working. If this is implemented before mlmd is upgraded, we might need to demonstrate this using a dummy charm of an intermediate implementation of mlmd because we have no other charms that use this library yet.
This feature will prevent the CIs of the charms that relate to this charm from running correctly, as mlmd latest/edge is no longer compatible with charms that relate to it, but still use SDI. Here's an example of a failing CI.
Previous versions of the
use an SDI-backed implementation of the grpc relation with mlmd. For the Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 release, mlmd's relation handling is changing to use the mlops-libs k8s_service_info library. We need to update that here as well to keep them compatible.What needs to get done
Update the relation handling here to use the mlops-libs k8s_service_info library
Definition of Done
charm has the new relation handling and is demonstrated working. If this is implemented before mlmd is upgraded, we might need to demonstrate this using a dummy charm of an intermediate implementation of mlmd because we have no other charms that use this library yet.