canonical / knative-operators

Charmed Knative Operators
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knative-serving: Revert component's version to 1.8.0 #149

Closed orfeas-k closed 10 months ago

orfeas-k commented 10 months ago

Revert knative-serving version to 1.8.0 since knative-operator cannot fetch manifests for versions >=1.10.x. More details in #147

How to test the PR

  1. Deploy knative-operator
  2. Deploy knative-serving (from the PR's branch always)
  3. Check that
    • there is no error or sth weird in knativeserving CR conditions (kubectl get knativeserving -n knative-serving -o yaml)
    • it creates deployments that do not error out
    • it spins up pods for each of the deployments in knative-serving namespace that go in Running state
i-chvets commented 10 months ago

Assuming that version of knative-operator does not have to change.

Verified using locally built charms (from this branch) and the following commands:

juju add-model test
juju deploy ./knative-operator_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm --trust --resource="" --resource=""
juju deploy ./knative-serving_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm --trust --config namespace=knative-serving  --config istio.gateway.namespace=test
juju relate knative-operator knative-serving

Juju status:

$ juju status --relations
Model  Controller          Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
test   microk8s-localhost  microk8s/localhost  2.9.44   unsupported  09:11:10-04:00

App                   Version  Status  Scale  Charm             Channel      Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
knative-operator               active      1  knative-operator                 0   no       
knative-serving                active      1  knative-serving                  0  no       

Unit                     Workload  Agent  Address     Ports  Message
knative-operator/0*      active    idle         
knative-serving/0*       active    idle         

Relation provider                Requirer                          Interface       Type     Message
knative-operator:otel-collector  knative-serving:otel-collector    otel-collector  regular  

Pods/deployments in test namespace:

$ microk8s.kubectl -n test get deploy
NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
modeloperator                   1/1     1            1           5m21s
otel-collector                  1/1     1            1           85s
$ microk8s.kubectl -n test get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
modeloperator-7568f8c74f-bk2hs                   1/1     Running   0          6m13s
otel-collector-5b65fb49bc-t2p6v                  1/1     Running   0          2m16s
knative-operator-0                               3/3     Running   0          3m23s
knative-serving-0                                1/1     Running   0          2m15s

CR test:

$ microk8s.kubectl get knativeserving -n knative-serving -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: KnativeServing
    creationTimestamp: "2023-09-02T13:10:44Z"
    generation: 2
    name: knative-serving
    namespace: knative-serving
    resourceVersion: "3305"
    uid: 124f0ef0-d1fa-4060-ba28-361f25feb783
      domain: ""
        gateway.test.knative-gateway: some-workload.knative-operator.svc.cluster.local
        local-gateway.knative-serving.knative-local-gateway: knative-local-gateway.test.svc.cluster.local
        metrics.backend-destination: opencensus
        metrics.opencensus-address: otel-collector.test:55678
        metrics.request-metrics-backend-destination: opencensus
    version: 1.8.0
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-02T13:11:18Z"
      status: "True"
      type: DependenciesInstalled
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-02T13:11:41Z"
      status: "True"
      type: DeploymentsAvailable
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-02T13:11:18Z"
      status: "True"
      type: InstallSucceeded
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-02T13:11:41Z"
      status: "True"
      type: Ready
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-02T13:11:02Z"
      status: "True"
      type: VersionMigrationEligible
    - /var/run/ko/knative-serving/1.8.0
    - /var/run/ko/ingress/1.8/istio
    observedGeneration: 2
    version: 1.8.0
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""

Pods in knative-serving namespace:

$ microk8s.kubectl -n knative-serving get pods
NAME                                                    READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
autoscaler-bc7d6c9c9-h7khc                              1/1     Running     0          2m49s
activator-5f6b4bf5c8-867g2                              1/1     Running     0          2m49s
controller-687d88ff56-mp4r6                             1/1     Running     0          2m48s
domain-mapping-69cc86d8d5-hz5k2                         1/1     Running     0          2m48s
domainmapping-webhook-65dfdd9b96-42f2x                  1/1     Running     0          2m48s
webhook-587cdd8dd7-26w4z                                1/1     Running     0          2m47s
autoscaler-hpa-6469fbb6cd-mjdwt                         1/1     Running     0          2m46s
storage-version-migration-serving-serving-1.8.0-xwthz   0/1     Completed   0          2m46s
net-istio-controller-95ddcfbdc-b2hv4                    1/1     Running     0          2m44s
net-istio-webhook-6968b5b7dc-sjbj5                      1/1     Running     0          2m44s

Deployments in knative-serving namespace:

$ microk8s.kubectl -n knative-serving get deploy
NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
activator               1/1     1            1           3m10s
autoscaler              1/1     1            1           3m10s
controller              1/1     1            1           3m9s
domain-mapping          1/1     1            1           3m9s
domainmapping-webhook   1/1     1            1           3m9s
webhook                 1/1     1            1           3m8s
autoscaler-hpa          1/1     1            1           3m7s
net-istio-controller    1/1     1            1           3m5s
net-istio-webhook       1/1     1            1           3m5s
i-chvets commented 10 months ago

Minor: branch name has 1.8.2 in it, but we are changing version to 1.8.0