canonical / lightdm

Display Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lightdm hangs after entering password upon system startup #159

Open rado84-github opened 3 years ago

rado84-github commented 3 years ago

Until recently, with kernel 5.9.13, everything was working fine. Now, after updating to 5.9.14, when I enter user password, lightdm won't take me to the desktop and hangs instead. I tried downgrading kernel to 5.9.13 and 5.9.12 but it's still the same. I don't get it what the problem is. The only way I can get to my desktop is to restart X server (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, Cinnamon). I suppose I could open an issue on Cinnamon's github but Googling for "Lightdm developer" lead me to here.

Video of the problem:

[rado@arch]: ~>$ sysinfo rado@arch OS: Arch Linux Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.9.12-arch1-1 Uptime: 18m Packages: 1267 Shell: bash Resolution: 1920x1080 DE: Cinnamon 4.8.3 WM: Muffin WM Theme: Mint-Y-Brownish-v4.4_for-Cinnamon_by-Valso (Cinnamox-Rhino) GTK Theme: Mint-Y-Brownish-v4.4_for-Cinnamon_by-Valso [GTK2/3] Icon Theme: Humanity-Dark Font: Noto Sans Bold 10 Disk: 1,1T / 1,5T (72%) CPU: Intel Core i7-4770 @ 8x 3.4GHz [28.0°C] GPU: GeForce GTX 1660 Ti RAM: 2183MiB / 32032MiB

JayXT commented 2 years ago

I have exactly the same issue on Debian 11 (stable) with Xfce. Usually after I press any key the screen turns on and then lightdm hangs either right away or after I type a password. journalctl doesn't show anything useful for lightdm.service apart from: Dec 18 20:33:07 Yura-PC lightdm[16254]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file Dec 18 20:34:00 Yura-PC lightdm[16413]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file

rado84-github commented 2 years ago

I reported this a year ago and still no response from the developers and I doubt there will be. I moved to GDM long ago and got rid of all problems.