AFAIK, LXD images are cached locally for a certain period of time and refreshed either on a schedule or on demand.
I think the refresh behaviour is to always pull the newest image available from the remote server.
Assuming that refresh behaviour of always pulling the newest image is accurate, I think we should stop publishing images on weekend days. Here's a practical use case:
User launches images:alpine/3.16 on Friday (LXD caches it locally)
User suspends laptop on Friday evening for the weekend
images:alpine/3.16 is rebuilt/republished Saturday, Sunday and Monday
User resumes laptop on Monday, launches another images:alpine/3.16
LXD tries to refresh the cached image but finds no vcdiff bridging Friday's cached image to Monday's. vcdiff only bridges yesterday's with today's images.
LXD pulls a full images:alpine/3.16 (slow)
I think most distros don't publish updates during weekends (Ubuntu doesn't publish updates from Friday to Sunday) so rebuilding/republishing those works against the local cache that LXD manages.
Taking the same scenario but assuming we only publish from Monday-Friday:
User launches images:alpine/3.16 on Friday (LXD caches it locally)
User suspends laptop on Friday evening for the weekend
images:alpine/3.16 is rebuilt/republished Monday
User resumes laptop on Monday, launches another images:alpine/3.16
LXD tries to refresh the cached image and finds a vcdiff bridging Friday's cached image to Monday's.
AFAIK, LXD images are cached locally for a certain period of time and refreshed either on a schedule or on demand. I think the refresh behaviour is to always pull the newest image available from the remote server.
Assuming that refresh behaviour of always pulling the newest image is accurate, I think we should stop publishing images on weekend days. Here's a practical use case:
on Friday (LXD caches it locally)images:alpine/3.16
is rebuilt/republished Saturday, Sunday and Mondayimages:alpine/3.16
bridging Friday's cached image to Monday's.vcdiff
only bridges yesterday's with today's images.images:alpine/3.16
(slow)I think most distros don't publish updates during weekends (Ubuntu doesn't publish updates from Friday to Sunday) so rebuilding/republishing those works against the local cache that LXD manages.
Taking the same scenario but assuming we only publish from Monday-Friday:
on Friday (LXD caches it locally)images:alpine/3.16
is rebuilt/republished Mondayimages:alpine/3.16
bridging Friday's cached image to Monday's.images:alpine/3.16
(fast)@MusicDin does that make sense?