Not sure how it got to that state: this MAAS was upgraded from 2.2.3 -> 2.3rc2 -> 2.3.0.
Anyway, I encountered a failure during a Juju deployment which did not make sense at all:
3 down pending xenial Automatic IP address cannot be configured on interface bond0.10 without an associated subnet.
I really don't have an ip address on that interface which is intentional, however, this should be impossible in the first place to have auto-assignment with no subnet associated.
From the UI this is reproducible by setting the subnet to "unconfigured" while "auto-assign" option is selected (set subnet & auto-assign -> remove subnet while leaving auto-assign).
Haven't tried in CLI but it seems like there should be validation on the backend side.
Bug originally filed by dmitriis at
Not sure how it got to that state: this MAAS was upgraded from 2.2.3 -> 2.3rc2 -> 2.3.0.
Anyway, I encountered a failure during a Juju deployment which did not make sense at all:
3 down pending xenial Automatic IP address cannot be configured on interface bond0.10 without an associated subnet.
I really don't have an ip address on that interface which is intentional, however, this should be impossible in the first place to have auto-assignment with no subnet associated.
From the UI this is reproducible by setting the subnet to "unconfigured" while "auto-assign" option is selected (set subnet & auto-assign -> remove subnet while leaving auto-assign).
Haven't tried in CLI but it seems like there should be validation on the backend side.
dmitriis@maas-master:~$ maas maas machine read 6eggrn | jq '.interface_set | .[] | select( .vlan.vid == 10 )' { "tags": [], "parents": [ "bond0" ], "id": 4624, "system_id": "6eggrn", "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/6eggrn/interfaces/4624/", "links": [ { "mode": "auto", "id": 7359 } ], "enabled": true, "discovered": null, "name": "bond0.10", "effective_mtu": 1500, "vlan": { "external_dhcp": null, "id": 5018, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vlans/5018/", "fabric": "oam-fabric", "fabric_id": 6, "space": "external-space", "relay_vlan": null, "primary_rack": null, "name": "external-vlan", "mtu": 1500, "secondary_rack": null, "dhcp_on": false, "vid": 10 }, "children": [], "type": "vlan", "mac_address": "24:6e:96:32:2b:98", "params": {} }