canonical / matter-pi-gpio-commander

Matter Raspberry Pi GPIO Commander - Turn your Pi into a Matter lighting device!
Apache License 2.0
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Pairing issue with Chip Tool v1.1.0.1 #18

Closed farshidtz closed 10 months ago

farshidtz commented 1 year ago

The chip-tool v1.1.0.1 has some difficulties in pairing with the matter-gpio-commander. The log shows a persisted storage error preventing the commissioning discovery over DNS-SD as follows:

CHIP:CTL: Couldn't get ExampleOpCredsCAKey from storage: src/controller/ExamplePersistentStorage.cpp:93: CHIP Error 0x000000A0: Value not found in the persisted storage

Full logs could be find here.

With the same setup as the matter-bridge-tapo-lighting, the chip-tool snapped from the edge channel was able to pair with it without any errors. The full logs can be found here.

chip-tool snap:

$ snap info chip-tool
  latest/edge:      v1.0.0.2+snap 2023-03-02 (14) 17MB -
installed:          v1.1.0.1+snap            (x1) 20MB -

$ snap connections chip-tool
Interface      Plug                     Slot            Notes
avahi-observe  chip-tool:avahi-observe  :avahi-observe  manual
bluez          chip-tool:bluez          :bluez          manual
network        chip-tool:network        :network        -

Originally posted by @MonicaisHer in

farshidtz commented 1 year ago

The issue gets resolved by upgrading the commander's SDK version to the same one used for the Chip Tool. See

This is unexpected as the SDK v1.1.0.1 release supposed to be backward compatible.