canonical / matter-pi-gpio-commander

Matter Raspberry Pi GPIO Commander - Turn your Pi into a Matter lighting device!
Apache License 2.0
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Test on arm64 runners #51

Closed farshidtz closed 3 months ago

locnnil commented 4 months ago

@farshidtz, the issue with those arm64 runners is, in fact, related to this bug on Launchpad.

The kernel of the runner machine, 6.5.0-1015-azure, doesn't have the option GPIO_CDEV_V1 enabled, as you can see here in this action log. Therefore, when using the gpiod utilities, we encounter an error indicating the incompatibility between API V1 and V2 of libgpiod.

This issue doesn't occur with the Raspberry Pi, for example:

pi4@alsvid:~$ cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep GPIO_CDEV

However, the main question isn't about the kernel configuration but the Debian packages themselves, since this kernel does accept the char dev interface. Since API V1 is considered deprecated, the problem lies in the versions of those packages, as shown in this action log. The versions are 1.6.3.

We could resolve this by cross-compiling our own libgpiod with the latest version or creating a Debian package ourselves and installing it.

locnnil commented 3 months ago

This PR is duplicated on #57, can we close it @farshidtz?