canonical / multipass

Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.69k stars 637 forks source link

Multipass GUI disappears on clicking and multipass 1.12.2+mac: launch failed: cannot connect to the multipass socket on macOS Sonoma #3301

Closed RajaniCode closed 10 months ago

RajaniCode commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug multipass launch failed: cannot connect to the multipass socket

To Reproduce How, and what happened?

Last login: Sun Nov 12 12:19:08 on ttys000
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % sw_vers
ProductName:        macOS
ProductVersion:     14.0
BuildVersion:       23A344
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % arch
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % multipass --version
multipass   1.12.2+mac
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % multipass launch --name microk8s-vm --memory 4G --disk 40G
launch failed: cannot connect to the multipass socket

Expected behavior

rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % sw_vers
ProductName:        macOS
ProductVersion:     14.0
BuildVersion:       23A344
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % arch
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % pwd
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % cd /Users/rajaniapple/Desktop/Technology/Kubernetes/Exercise 
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro Exercise % pwd
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro Exercise % brew --version
Homebrew 4.1.0
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro Exercise % brew install --cask multipass
Running `brew update --auto-update`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 4 taps (homebrew/services, mongodb/brew, homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
==> New Formulae
aerleon                                 eza                                     meson-python                            python-setuptools
apify-cli                               falco                                   mfem                                    python-tk@3.12
apprise                                 falcoctl                                mgis                                    python@3.12
arm-none-eabi-binutils                  feishu2md                               mjml                                    qalculate-qt
arm-none-eabi-gcc                       fwupd                                   modsecurity                             recoverpy
arm-none-eabi-gdb                       ggshield                                mongodb/brew/mongodb-community@6.0      riscv64-elf-binutils
asn                                     ghc@9.4                                 mongodb/brew/mongodb-enterprise@6.0     riscv64-elf-gcc
asnmap                                  gickup                                  mongodb/brew/mongodb-mongocryptd@6.0    riscv64-elf-gdb
bandicoot                               gismo                                   mtbl                                    risor
bashunit                                gitea                                   mvfst                                   roadrunner
bazel-diff                              go@1.20                                 mysql-client@8.0                        rpmspectool
bazel-remote                            goread                                  mysql@8.0                               s3scanner
biome                                   gotestwaf                               netlistsvg                              sbom-tool
blake3                                  helidon                                 notation                                scoutsuite
bozohttpd                               hyfetch                                 numbat                                  shuffledns
build2                                  img2pdf                                 ollama                                  smlfmt
caracal                                 imgdiet                                 onionprobe                              spacer
cargo-all-features                      imgdiff                                 orbiton                                 sqlsmith
cargo-auditable                         incus                                   orcania                                 squiid
cargo-binutils                          iocextract                              orogene                                 surelog
cargo-deps                              jr                                      plog                                    tailwindcss
cargo-docset                            json2ts                                 postgresql@16                           talhelper
cdi                                     katana                                  powerlevel10k                           terraform-graph-beautifier
cdxgen                                  killport                                prettierd                               terragrunt-atlantis-config
chaoskube                               kor                                     proxify                                 tf-profile
checkdmarc                              kosli-cli                               pter                                    toxiproxy
cloud-sql-proxy                         ldeep                                   pwned                                   tpm
cloudfox                                ldid-procursus                          pyspelling                              trafilatura
cloudlist                               legitify                                pystring                                udp2raw-multiplatform
codelimit                               libgit2@1.6                             python-argcomplete                      uffizzi
coder                                   libimobiledevice-glue                   python-certifi                          uhdm
colmap                                  libjcat                                 python-click                            uncover
counts                                  libmapper                               python-cryptography                     urlfinder
cryptopp                                libpanel                                python-flit-core                        vulkan-utility-libraries
ctpv                                    libshumate                              python-gdbm@3.12                        vunnel
cyclonedx-gomod                         libxmlb                                 python-lxml                             web-ext
cyclonedx-python                        llm                                     python-markupsafe                       woodpecker-cli
czkawka                                 llvm@16                                 python-mutagen                          wtfis
dezoomify-rs                            lune                                    python-packaging                        xlsxio
dnsrobocert                             lxi-tools                               python-pycurl                           yazi
dolphie                                 mariadb@11.0                            python-pyparsing                        yder
dovi_tool                               massdriver                              python-pyproject-hooks
ebook2cw                                medusa                                  python-pytz
==> New Casks
4k-video-downloaderplus    cloudnet                   git-credential-manager     modrinth                   ripx                       updf
aifun                      crystalfetch               herd                       monotype                   routine                    viso
akuity                     devtunnel                  hhkb                       mutedeck                   rustrover                  voicepeak
apidog                     dockx                      hovrly                     muyu                       sf                         wetype
applite                    draw-things                hp-easy-admin              paulxstretch               sfm                        wiso-steuer-2022
ava                        dropbox-dash               hypercal                   pieces                     shattered-pixel-dungeon    wiso-steuer-2023
batteryboi                 dropshelf                  iem-plugin-suite           pieces-os                  simple-web-server          xiaomi-cloud
bepo                       ecodms-client              json-viewer                piphero                    space-capsule              zspace
browser-deputy             elektron-transfer          jukebox                    playdate-mirror            sparkplate                 zui
chainner                   energiza                   keyclu                     proxy-audio-device         spundle
cilicon                    expo-orbit                 kreya                      recipeui                   stash
clickhouse                 finbar                     lm-studio                  replay                     telegram-a
clinq                      floorp                     luniistore                 reqable                    to-audio-converter
clop                       font-finagler              meld-studio                rippling                   twelite-stage

You have 11 outdated formulae installed.

==> Downloading
######################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
==> Installing Cask multipass
==> Running installer for multipass with sudo; the password may be necessary.
installer: Package name is multipass
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install was successful.
🍺  multipass was successfully installed!
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro Exercise % multipass launch --name microk8s-vm --memory 4G --disk 40G
Launched: microk8s-vm
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro Exercise % multipass shell microk8s-vm
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-84-generic aarch64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Mon Oct  9 14:34:41 IST 2023

  System load:             0.07177734375
  Usage of /:              3.6% of 38.59GB
  Memory usage:            4%
  Swap usage:              0%
  Processes:               89
  Users logged in:         0
  IPv4 address for enp0s1:
  IPv6 address for enp0s1: fd1d:a80c:e456:91f0:5054:ff:fe7a:b7c5

Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled.

0 updates can be applied immediately.

Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates.
See or run: sudo pro status

The list of available updates is more than a week old.
To check for new updates run: sudo apt update

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.


rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % tail -f /Library/Logs/Multipass/multipassd.log            
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.379] [debug] [blueprint provider] Loading "docker" v1
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.379] [debug] [blueprint provider] Loading "jellyfin" v1
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.380] [debug] [blueprint provider] Loading "minikube" v1
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.380] [debug] [blueprint provider] Loading "ros-noetic" v1
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.380] [debug] [blueprint provider] Loading "ros2-humble" v1
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.386] [info] [rpc] gRPC listening on unix:/var/run/multipass_socket
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.386] [info] [daemon] Starting Multipass 1.12.2+mac
[2023-11-12T12:18:26.386] [info] [daemon] Daemon arguments: /Library/Application Support/com.canonical.multipass/bin/multipassd --verbosity debug
[2023-11-12T12:18:39.652] [info] [daemon] Received signal 15 (Terminated: 15)
[2023-11-12T12:18:39.652] [info] [daemon] Goodbye!

Additional info

Last login: Sun Nov 12 12:22:01 on ttys000
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % sw_vers                                                   
ProductName:        macOS
ProductVersion:     14.0
BuildVersion:       23A344
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % arch                                                      
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % multipass --version                                       
multipass   1.12.2+mac
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % multipass info --all 
info failed: cannot connect to the multipass socket
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % multipass get local.driver
get failed: cannot connect to the multipass socket
rajaniapple@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro ~ % 

Additional context Multipass GUI disappears on clicking:

Multipass GUI
RajaniCode commented 10 months ago

The issue occurred after installing Lima: Linux Machines, and it does not occur after uninstalling lima: % brew uninstall lima

ricab commented 10 months ago

Thanks for letting us know @RajaniCode. Glad you were able to figure it out.