canonical / multipass

Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multipass snap edge channel has not been updated since March 19 #3480

Closed holta closed 2 months ago

holta commented 2 months ago

[@EMG70 volunteered to test] Multipass 1.14.x (edge channel) on Ubuntu Server 24.04 (latest pre-release, installed just today) and multipass launch does work right after boot.

[However, the] multipass set local.driver=lxd command does not work for him, even after snap install lxd and rebooting multiple times [...]. The error he gets is:

set failed: You have to `multipass set local.bridged-network=<name>` to use the bridged shortcut.

Above Originally posted by @holta in

The error message appears unhelpful, as it suggests running the following, which does not work: 😢

root@ubuntu2404:~# multipass set local.bridged-network=eno1
set failed: You have to `multipass set local.bridged-network=<name>` to use the bridged shortcut.

Original failure, right after he installed Ubuntu Server 24.04:



townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

Hi @holta,

Yes, this issue was fixed recently via It seems the version of the snap on this machine needs to be refreshed. Please ensure the latest Multipass package from edge is installed.

townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

For confirmation, could you please give the output of: $ multipass version and $ snap info multipass


holta commented 2 months ago

For confirmation, could you please give the output of: $ multipass version and $ snap info multipass

Is grabbing from the screenshot above enough?


(If not, I'll ask @EMG70 to confirm!)

townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

That looks to be the correct version, but I would like confirmation of multipass version as well please.

EMG70 commented 2 months ago


townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

Oh, it looks like something is wrong with how our CI is uploading to the edge channel- it is wayyyyy out of date:

latest/edge:      1.14.0-dev.1600+g2701b66b        2024-03-19 (12063)  67MB

March 19, 2024!!! I will have to investigate our CI on why this hasn't been updated in so long.

townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

Ok, after much investigation and working with the Launchpad Team (thanks @sn3rd!), I have found the problem (at least the first and hopefully only layer of the onion). I will be working on a fix. Thanks!

holta commented 2 months ago

Personal Opinion: Overall Multipass QA can greatly benefit if Multipass's CI posts "edge channel" builds for Windows and macOS too! 😄

As discussed Jan 5 — might this be doable in 2024?

townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

Hey @holta,

I agree and it is still on my TODO to figure out a way that we can do that which has visibility in discovering these packages. We do currently build these, but it's not (easily) discoverable and will require some automation for them to be discoverable.

As discussed Jan 5 — might this be doable in 2024?

I will try my best.

holta commented 2 months ago

not (easily) discoverable and will require some automation for them to be discoverable.

Partially discoverable downloadable images might be perfectly sufficient initially?

(Perhaps advertised as "at your own risk" builds for developers only, helping Multipass to tighten QA feedback loops across more platforms?)

Thanks @townsend2010 for probing what's possible! 💯

townsend2010 commented 2 months ago

Well, what I mean is that currently the artifacts are published publicly to an S3 bucket. Without some manual intervention from the team to post the URLs somewhere, one would have to "guess" the URL to get the artifacts. Manually posting a URL every time there is a new build for the Windows and macOS platforms is very inefficient at best (and just plain wouldn't be done like now at worst) and I would rather automate that somehow. But yes, there is definitely value in doing this.

holta commented 2 months ago


With Multipass 1.14.0-dev.1729+g8cbcc013 just released in recent minutes (thanks to PR #3481!) can you re-test this ticket's original multipass set local.driver=lxd failures that have been so aggravating in recent weeks? :pray:

# snap info multipass
  latest/stable:    1.13.1                    2024-04-01 (12146) 122MB -
  latest/candidate: 1.13.1                    2024-04-11 (12214) 122MB -
  latest/beta:      1.13.1                    2024-02-12 (11732) 122MB -
  latest/edge:      1.14.0-dev.1729+g8cbcc013 2024-04-11 (12223)  66MB -
installed:          1.14.0-dev.1600+g2701b66b            (12063)  67MB -

# snap refresh multipass
multipass (edge) 1.14.0-dev.1729+g8cbcc013 from Canonical✓ refreshed

# multipass version
multipass   1.14.0-dev.1729+g8cbcc013
multipassd  1.14.0-dev.1729+g8cbcc013
EMG70 commented 2 months ago

Thank you all and @townsend2010 ,I have tested and I can confirm all is working as before.I can set up a bridged network using the refreshed Multipass edge.