canonical / multipass

Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.66k stars 635 forks source link

multipass cant download ubuntu images #3577

Open ecruzolivera opened 1 month ago

ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago

Multipass is trying to download images from June 24 but the available images are from July

snap info multipass
name:      multipass
summary:   Instant Ubuntu VMs
publisher: Canonical✓
license:   GPL-3.0
description: |
  Multipass is a tool to launch and manage VMs on Windows, Mac and Linux that simulates a cloud
  environment with support for cloud-init. Get Ubuntu on-demand with clean integration to your IDE
  and version control on your native platform.
  - multipass.gui
  - multipass
  multipass.multipassd: simple, enabled, active
snap-id:      mA11087v6dR3IEcQLgICQVjuvhUUBUKM
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: 12 days ago, at 07:57 CST
  latest/stable:    1.13.1                    2024-06-28 (12829) 122MB -
  latest/candidate: 1.13.1                    2024-07-10 (12924) 122MB -
  latest/beta:      1.14.0                    2024-07-11 (12940)  64MB -
  latest/edge:      1.15.0-dev.2328+g6ee0b4ed 2024-07-10 (12931)  64MB -
installed:          1.13.1                               (12829) 122MB -

when running snapcraft i get:

Launching a VM.
launch failed: failed to download from '': Error opening
An error occurred with the instance when trying to launch with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.
Ensure that 'multipass' is setup correctly and try again.

multipass is searching for the ubuntu image 2024/06/24 but it seems that in the mirror all images are from july.


Originally posted by @ecruzolivera in

sharder996 commented 1 month ago

Hi @ecruzolivera,

What does multipass find --force-update return? Does the issue still persist afterwards?

ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago
multipass find --force-update
find failed: failed to download from '': Operation canceled
ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago

i ran it again and:

multipass find --force-update
Image                       Aliases           Version          Description
core                        core16            20200818         Ubuntu Core 16
core18                                        20211124         Ubuntu Core 18
core20                                        20230119         Ubuntu Core 20
core22                                        20230717         Ubuntu Core 22
20.04                       focal             20240612         Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
22.04                       jammy             20240614         Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
23.10                       mantic            20240619         Ubuntu 23.10
24.04                       noble,lts         20240622         Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
daily:24.10                 oracular,devel    20240622         Ubuntu 24.10
appliance:adguard-home                        20200812         Ubuntu AdGuard Home Appliance
appliance:mosquitto                           20200812         Ubuntu Mosquitto Appliance
appliance:nextcloud                           20200812         Ubuntu Nextcloud Appliance
appliance:openhab                             20200812         Ubuntu openHAB Home Appliance
appliance:plexmediaserver                     20200812         Ubuntu Plex Media Server Appliance

Blueprint                   Aliases           Version          Description
anbox-cloud-appliance                         latest           Anbox Cloud Appliance
charm-dev                                     latest           A development and testing environment for charmers
docker                                        0.4              A Docker environment with Portainer and related tools
jellyfin                                      latest           Jellyfin is a Free Software Media System that puts you in control of managing and streaming your media.
minikube                                      latest           minikube is local Kubernetes
ros-noetic                                    0.1              A development and testing environment for ROS Noetic.
ros2-humble                                   0.1              A development and testing environment for ROS 2 Humble.

multipass launch 20.04
launch failed: failed to download from '': Error opening

is still searching for the images from June

ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago

i uninstall the firewall, reinstall snapd and multipass and still

~  multipass find --force-update  -vvv
[2024-07-12T11:19:40.729] [debug] [async task] fetch manifest from the internet
[2024-07-12T11:19:50.387] [warning] [url downloader] Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
[2024-07-12T11:19:50.387] [warning] [url downloader] Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
find failed: failed to download from '': Error opening
 ✘  ~  journalctl -b | grep -i multipass
Jul 12 11:17:53 thinkpad (udev-worker)[354]: kvm: Process '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper add snap_multipass_multipassd /devices/virtual/misc/kvm 10:232' failed with exit code 1.
Jul 12 11:17:53 thinkpad (udev-worker)[357]: kvm: Process '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper add snap_multipass_multipassd /devices/virtual/misc/kvm 10:232' failed with exit code 1.
Jul 12 11:18:38 thinkpad systemd[1]: Mounting Mount unit for multipass, revision 12829...
Jul 12 11:18:38 thinkpad systemd[1]: Mounted Mount unit for multipass, revision 12829.
Jul 12 11:18:41 thinkpad systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application multipass.multipassd.
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Unable to determine subnet for the mpqemubr0 subnet
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Using AppArmor support
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Failed to enable AppArmor: AppArmor is not enabled
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Starting dnsmasq
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2691] started: dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file --domain=multipass --local=/multipass/ --except-interface=lo --interface=mpqemubr0 --listen-address= --dhcp-no-override --dhcp-ignore-clid --dhcp-authoritative --dhcp-leasefile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.leases --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.hosts --dhcp-range,,infinite --conf-file=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq-YOOIJU.conf
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad dnsmasq[2691]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad dnsmasq[2691]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad dnsmasq-dhcp[2691]: read /var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.hosts
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2693] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2695] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2696] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2697] started: iptables-nft --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2698] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2699] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2701] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2703] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Using iptables-nft for firewall rules.
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2705] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2706] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2707] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2708] started: iptables-nft --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2709] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 67 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2713] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2714] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol tcp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2715] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --sport 67 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2716] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --sport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2718] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol tcp --sport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2719] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --insert POSTROUTING --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 68 --jump CHECKSUM --checksum-fill --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2721] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2723] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2724] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --protocol tcp --jump MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2726] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --protocol udp --jump MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2727] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --jump MASQUERADE --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2728] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --destination --out-interface mpqemubr0 --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2730] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --source --in-interface mpqemubr0 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2731] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --in-interface mpqemubr0 --out-interface mpqemubr0 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2732] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --append FORWARD --in-interface mpqemubr0 --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: [2734] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --append FORWARD --out-interface mpqemubr0 --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 12 11:18:42 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: gRPC listening on unix:/var/snap/multipass/common/multipass_socket
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: fetch manifest periodically
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Host not found
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Starting Multipass 1.13.1
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Daemon arguments: /snap/multipass/12829/bin/multipassd --verbosity debug --logger platform
Jul 12 11:18:43 thinkpad dnsmasq[2691]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 12 11:18:45 thinkpad dnsmasq[2691]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 12 11:19:40 thinkpad systemd[3508]: Started snap.multipass.multipass-ff861a8c-882d-4ad2-9f87-14a4b60f16b3.scope.
Jul 12 11:19:40 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: fetch manifest from the internet
Jul 12 11:19:50 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 12 11:19:50 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 12 11:19:50 thinkpad multipassd[2538]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
ricab commented 1 month ago

Hi @ecruzolivera, Mulitpass seems to be unable to contact the outside world for some reason. Is there anything that could be interfering with it? When you say you uninstalled the firewall, what firewall do you mean? Do you have any special ufw or iptables rules in place? Are you using VPN?

Also, for --force-update to work you would need the release candidate. Does the situation improve if you do multipass find --force-update -vvv after snap refresh/install multipass --beta? (scratch this last bit, my mistake)

ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago

Hi @ricab I'm using EndevourOS (an arch derivative), it comes with Firewalld by default and previously I had to disable it to use snapcraft/multipass, last month I was able to build snaps locally just fine, but now in July i can't due the error described above.

When I said that i uninstalled the firewall, i mean yay -Rsn firewalld, which removes the program and the systemd rules (I think). About iptables, im not knowable about how is used, I have always used ufw, and now firewalld (because it comes with the OS by default)

ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago

a dump of the logs related to multipass on a fresh boot

journalctl -b | grep -i multipass
Jul 18 01:09:27 thinkpad (udev-worker)[354]: kvm: Process '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper add snap_multipass_multipassd /devices/virtual/misc/kvm 10:232' failed with exit code 1.
Jul 18 01:09:27 thinkpad (udev-worker)[385]: kvm: Process '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper add snap_multipass_multipassd /devices/virtual/misc/kvm 10:232' failed with exit code 1.
Jul 18 01:09:52 thinkpad systemd[1]: Mounting Mount unit for multipass, revision 12829...
Jul 18 01:09:52 thinkpad systemd[1]: Mounted Mount unit for multipass, revision 12829.
Jul 18 01:09:55 thinkpad systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application multipass.multipassd.
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Unable to determine subnet for the mpqemubr0 subnet
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Using AppArmor support
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Failed to enable AppArmor: AppArmor is not enabled
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Starting dnsmasq
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2739] started: dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file --domain=multipass --local=/multipass/ --except-interface=lo --interface=mpqemubr0 --listen-address= --dhcp-no-override --dhcp-ignore-clid --dhcp-authoritative --dhcp-leasefile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.leases --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.hosts --dhcp-range,,infinite --conf-file=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq-frfBfV.conf
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad dnsmasq[2739]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad dnsmasq[2739]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad dnsmasq-dhcp[2739]: read /var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.hosts
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2740] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2741] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2742] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2743] started: iptables-nft --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2744] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2745] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2747] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2749] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Using iptables-nft for firewall rules.
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2751] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2752] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2753] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2754] started: iptables-nft --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2755] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 67 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2759] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2760] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol tcp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2761] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --sport 67 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2762] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --sport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2763] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol tcp --sport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2764] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --insert POSTROUTING --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 68 --jump CHECKSUM --checksum-fill --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2766] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2767] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2768] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --protocol tcp --jump MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2770] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --protocol udp --jump MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2771] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --jump MASQUERADE --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2772] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --destination --out-interface mpqemubr0 --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2774] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --source --in-interface mpqemubr0 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2775] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --in-interface mpqemubr0 --out-interface mpqemubr0 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2776] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --append FORWARD --in-interface mpqemubr0 --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: [2778] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --append FORWARD --out-interface mpqemubr0 --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: gRPC listening on unix:/var/snap/multipass/common/multipass_socket
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: fetch manifest periodically
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Host not found
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Starting Multipass 1.13.1
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad multipassd[2581]: Daemon arguments: /snap/multipass/12829/bin/multipassd --verbosity debug --logger platform
Jul 18 01:09:57 thinkpad dnsmasq[2739]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:09:59 thinkpad dnsmasq[2739]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago

also, when i ran multipass find --force-update -vvv twice the multipass daemon crashes

  multipass find --force-update  -vvv
[2024-07-18T01:34:38.839] [debug] [async task] fetch manifest from the internet
[2024-07-18T01:34:48.821] [warning] [url downloader] Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
[2024-07-18T01:34:48.822] [warning] [url downloader] Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
[2024-07-18T01:34:48.823] [warning] [url downloader] Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
find failed: failed to download from '': Error opening
  multipass find --force-update  -vvv
[2024-07-18T01:34:52.731] [debug] [async task] fetch manifest from the internet
[2024-07-18T01:35:02.822] [warning] [url downloader] Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
find failed: cannot connect to the multipass socket

  journalctl -b | grep -i multipass
Jul 18 01:33:18 thinkpad (udev-worker)[351]: kvm: Process '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper add snap_multipass_multipassd /devices/virtual/misc/kvm 10:232' failed with exit code 1.
Jul 18 01:33:19 thinkpad (udev-worker)[481]: kvm: Process '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper add snap_multipass_multipassd /devices/virtual/misc/kvm 10:232' failed with exit code 1.
Jul 18 01:34:04 thinkpad systemd[1]: Mounting Mount unit for multipass, revision 12829...
Jul 18 01:34:05 thinkpad systemd[1]: Mounted Mount unit for multipass, revision 12829.
Jul 18 01:34:06 thinkpad systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application multipass.multipassd.
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Unable to determine subnet for the mpqemubr0 subnet
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Using AppArmor support
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Failed to enable AppArmor: AppArmor is not enabled
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Starting dnsmasq
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3105] started: dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file --domain=multipass --local=/multipass/ --except-interface=lo --interface=mpqemubr0 --listen-address= --dhcp-no-override --dhcp-ignore-clid --dhcp-authoritative --dhcp-leasefile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.leases --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.hosts --dhcp-range,,infinite --conf-file=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq-UjlgYb.conf
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad dnsmasq[3105]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad dnsmasq[3105]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad dnsmasq-dhcp[3105]: read /var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/network/dnsmasq.hosts
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3106] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3107] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3108] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3109] started: iptables-nft --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3110] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3111] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3113] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3115] started: iptables-legacy --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Using iptables-nft for firewall rules.
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3117] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3118] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3119] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3120] started: iptables-nft --wait -t raw --list-rules
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: # Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy to see them
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3121] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 67 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3125] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3126] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert INPUT --in-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol tcp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3127] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --sport 67 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3128] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --sport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3129] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert OUTPUT --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol tcp --sport 53 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3130] started: iptables-nft --wait -t mangle --insert POSTROUTING --out-interface mpqemubr0 --protocol udp --dport 68 --jump CHECKSUM --checksum-fill --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3132] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3133] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3134] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --protocol tcp --jump MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3136] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --protocol udp --jump MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3137] started: iptables-nft --wait -t nat --insert POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --jump MASQUERADE --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3138] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --destination --out-interface mpqemubr0 --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3140] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --source --in-interface mpqemubr0 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3141] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --insert FORWARD --in-interface mpqemubr0 --out-interface mpqemubr0 --jump ACCEPT --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3142] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --append FORWARD --in-interface mpqemubr0 --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: [3144] started: iptables-nft --wait -t filter --append FORWARD --out-interface mpqemubr0 --jump REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --match comment --comment generated for Multipass network mpqemubr0
Jul 18 01:34:07 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: gRPC listening on unix:/var/snap/multipass/common/multipass_socket
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: fetch manifest periodically
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Cannot retrieve headers for Host not found
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Host not found
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Host not found - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Could not update manifest: failed to download from '': Error opening
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Starting Multipass 1.13.1
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Daemon arguments: /snap/multipass/12829/bin/multipassd --verbosity debug --logger platform
Jul 18 01:34:08 thinkpad dnsmasq[3105]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:34:09 thinkpad dnsmasq[3105]: using only locally-known addresses for multipass
Jul 18 01:34:38 thinkpad systemd[3920]: Started snap.multipass.multipass-d22d425b-54b0-4649-8d1f-6b4897712f84.scope.
Jul 18 01:34:38 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: fetch manifest from the internet
Jul 18 01:34:48 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:48 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:48 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:34:52 thinkpad systemd[3920]: Started snap.multipass.multipass-731200d9-18a2-4278-a750-1b7fb343efdd.scope.
Jul 18 01:34:52 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: fetch manifest from the internet
Jul 18 01:35:02 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:35:02 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:35:02 thinkpad multipass.multipassd[2822]: E0718 01:35:02.822922142    5565 proto_buffer_writer.h:65]             ASSERTION FAILED: !byte_buffer->Valid()
Jul 18 01:35:02 thinkpad multipassd[2822]: Error getting Network timeout - trying cache.
Jul 18 01:35:02 thinkpad systemd-coredump[5757]: Process 2822 (multipassd) of user 0 terminated abnormally with signal 6/ABRT, processing...
Jul 18 01:35:03 thinkpad systemd-coredump[5758]: Process 2822 (multipassd) of user 0 dumped core.
                                                 #3  0x000062af1b88dc47 _ZN9grpc_core5CrashEN4absl12lts_2022062311string_viewENS_14SourceLocationE.cold (multipassd + 0x15dc47)
                                                 #4  0x000062af1c02d00e gpr_assertion_failed (multipassd + 0x8fd00e)
                                                 #5  0x000062af1babf2a8 _ZN4grpc17ProtoBufferWriterC2EPNS_10ByteBufferEii.constprop.0 (multipassd + 0x38f2a8)
                                                 #6  0x000062af1bafe82b _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFN4grpc6StatusEPKvEZNS0_8internal17CallOpSendMessage14SendMessagePtrIN9multipass9FindReplyEEES1_PKT_NS0_12WriteOptionsEEUlS3_E_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataOS3_ (multipassd + 0x3ce82b)
                                                 #7  0x000062af1bbc271e _ZN4grpc8internal9CallOpSetINS0_25CallOpSendInitialMetadataENS0_17CallOpSendMessageENS0_8CallNoOpILi3EEENS4_ILi4EEENS4_ILi5EEENS4_ILi6EEEE32ContinueFillOpsAfterInterceptionEv (multipassd + 0x49271e)
                                                 #8  0x000062af1bb063c3 _ZThn8_N4grpc18ServerReaderWriterIN9multipass9FindReplyENS1_11FindRequestEE5WriteERKS2_NS_12WriteOptionsE (multipassd + 0x3d63c3)
                                                 #9  0x000062af1b9184c7 _ZNK9multipass7logging12ClientLoggerINS_9FindReplyENS_11FindRequestEE3logENS0_5LevelENS0_7CStringES6_ (multipassd + 0x1e84c7)
                                                 #10 0x000062af1c1f3171 _ZNK9multipass7logging18MultiplexingLogger3logENS0_5LevelENS0_7CStringES3_ (multipassd + 0xac3171)
                                                 #11 0x000062af1c1f2ac1 _ZN9multipass7logging3logENS0_5LevelENS0_7CStringES2_ (multipassd + 0xac2ac1)
                                                 #12 0x000062af1ba32736 _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18downloadIZN9multipass13URLDownloader8downloadERK4QUrlbEUlP13QNetworkReplyxxE0_RZNS2_8downloadES5_bEUlS7_R6QTimerE_ZNS2_8downloadES5_bEUlvE1_NSt6chrono8durationIlSt5ratioILl1ELl1000EEEEEE10QByteArrayP21QNetworkAccessManagerRKT2_S5_OT_OT0_OT1_RKSt6atomicIbEN15QNetworkRequest16CacheLoadControlE (multipassd + 0x302736)
                                                 #13 0x000062af1ba332be _ZN9multipass13URLDownloader8downloadERK4QUrlb (multipassd + 0x3032be)
                                                 #14 0x000062af1b955a60 _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_117download_manifestERK7QStringPN9multipass13URLDownloaderEb (multipassd + 0x225a60)
                                                 #15 0x000062af1b95c80a _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFSt10unique_ptrINSt13__future_base12_Result_baseENS2_8_DeleterEEvENS1_12_Task_setterIS0_INS1_7_ResultISt4pairINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES0_IN9multipass21SimpleStreamsManifestESt14default_deleteISG_EEEEES3_ENSt6thread8_InvokerISt5tupleIJZNSF_17UbuntuVMImageHost15fetch_manifestsEbEUlRKS8_ISE_NSF_19UbuntuVMImageRemoteEEE_St17reference_wrapperIST_EEEEESK_EEE9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data (multipassd + 0x22c80a)
                                                 #16 0x000062af1b8fb8ed _ZNSt13__future_base13_State_baseV29_M_do_setEPSt8functionIFSt10unique_ptrINS_12_Result_baseENS3_8_DeleterEEvEEPb (multipassd + 0x1cb8ed)
                                                 #18 0x000062af1b9555ee _ZNSt13__future_base17_Async_state_implINSt6thread8_InvokerISt5tupleIJZN9multipass17UbuntuVMImageHost15fetch_manifestsEbEUlRKSt4pairINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEENS4_19UbuntuVMImageRemoteEEE_St17reference_wrapperISF_EEEEES6_ISC_St10unique_ptrINS4_21SimpleStreamsManifestESt14default_deleteISN_EEEE6_M_runEv (multipassd + 0x2255ee)
Jul 18 01:35:03 thinkpad systemd[1]: snap.multipass.multipassd.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=6/ABRT
ricab commented 1 month ago

Hi @ecruzolivera. The crash is reported in #3578. With regard to the networking issue, for some reason your system is not allowing the daemon to reach the outside world and it can't retrieve images and function without that. This might be caused by legacy iptables, which your logs show you have around and could be interfering. You can also look for other firewall rules. A few commands to dump the rules:

I suggest you disable Multipass first, to have its own rules removed and avoid cluttering the output: snap disable multipass. You can later snap enable multipass back.

ecruzolivera commented 1 month ago
 sudo iptables-save
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Mon Jul 22 16:30:30 2024
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:30:30 2024
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Mon Jul 22 16:30:30 2024
:DOCKER - [0:0]
:DOCKER-USER - [0:0]
-A FORWARD -o docker0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -o docker0 -j DOCKER
-A FORWARD -i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:30:30 2024
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Mon Jul 22 16:30:30 2024
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [5289:388307]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [17921:1346943]
:DOCKER - [0:0]
-A PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER
-A OUTPUT ! -d -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
-A DOCKER -i docker0 -j RETURN
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:30:30 2024
# Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy-save to see them
sudo iptables-legacy-save
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [3281588:4009486599]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [1027654:1234144346]
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [3281588:4009486599]
:INPUT ACCEPT [1895304:2442447773]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [1386032:1567020613]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [1027654:1234144346]
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [2413836:2801189413]
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [5292:388803]
:INPUT ACCEPT [524:72054]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [17948:1349055]
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [17946:1348887]
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.10 on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
:INPUT ACCEPT [1895304:2442447773]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [1386032:1567020613]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [1027654:1234144346]
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:31:51 2024
 sudo iptables-nft-save
# Generated by iptables-nft-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Mon Jul 22 16:32:14 2024
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:32:14 2024
# Generated by iptables-nft-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Mon Jul 22 16:32:14 2024
:DOCKER - [0:0]
:DOCKER-USER - [0:0]
-A FORWARD -o docker0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -o docker0 -j DOCKER
-A FORWARD -i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:32:14 2024
# Generated by iptables-nft-save v1.8.10 (nf_tables) on Mon Jul 22 16:32:14 2024
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [5289:388307]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [17943:1348450]
:DOCKER - [0:0]
-A PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER
-A OUTPUT ! -d -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
-A DOCKER -i docker0 -j RETURN
# Completed on Mon Jul 22 16:32:14 2024
# Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy-save to see them
ecruzolivera commented 3 weeks ago

I reinstall my system and make sure that i didnt install any firewall, and im still having the same issue