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Ubuntu Packaging Guide: Add how-to about proposed changes #100

Open rkratky opened 1 week ago

rkratky commented 1 week ago


The Ubuntu Packaging Guide (UPG) is undergoing a rewrite that's intended to bring it up-to-date with current processes and state of the art. A part of that effort includes streamlining various topics and making them more user-friendly and compliant with Diataxis framework.

One of these topics is the process for handling proposed changes.

Why is it important

New contributors often lack familiarity with the procedures for contributing changes to Ubuntu, which can deter them from participating. A straightforward guide will help demystify the process and encourage more contributions. Additionally, experienced contributors can use the guide as a quick reference or checklist, as even they need to revisit process details occasionally.


Add a concise how-to article (following Diataxis guidelines about 'how-tos') to the UPG at propose-changes.rst demonstrating the process of getting changes to Ubuntu packages into the Ubuntu archive. This guide should cover both the social and technical aspects, including:

The article should be succinct and focus on providing clear steps without delving into detailed explanations. As a first rough reference, this is basically the Fixing a Bug article without addressing the technical part of coming up with solutions for a bug.


Use the following resources to learn more about the process to be described as well as the Diataxis framework and the existing UPG content.