canonical / opensearch-operator

OpenSearch operator
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 6 forks source link

Destroying opensearch application results in 2/3 errored units #243

Closed phvalguima closed 3 months ago

phvalguima commented 5 months ago

Seems it is not possible to remove opensearch application without --force anymore. In the end, it ends with 2x openseach units, both in error with:

Model       Controller         Cloud/Region   Version  SLA          Timestamp
opensearch  aws-tf-controller  aws/us-east-1  3.4.2    unsupported  14:16:53+02:00

SAAS                             Status  Store              URL
alertmanager-karma-dashboard     active  aws-tf-controller  admin/cos.alertmanager-karma-dashboard
grafana-grafana-dashboard        active  aws-tf-controller  admin/cos.grafana-grafana-dashboard
loki-logging                     active  aws-tf-controller  admin/cos.loki-logging
prometheus-receive-remote-write  active  aws-tf-controller  admin/cos.prometheus-receive-remote-write

App                       Version  Status   Scale  Charm                     Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
grafana-agent                      unknown      0  grafana-agent             latest/stable   65  no       
opensearch                         active       2  opensearch                2/edge          60  no       
self-signed-certificates           active       1  self-signed-certificates  latest/stable   72  no       
ubuntu                    22.04    active       1  ubuntu                    latest/stable   24  no       

Unit                         Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address   Ports  Message
opensearch/1*                error     idle   2         hook failed: "storage-detaching"
opensearch/2                 error     idle   3         hook failed: "storage-detaching"
self-signed-certificates/0*  active    idle   0          
ubuntu/0*                    active    idle   4         

Machine  State    Address          Inst id              Base          AZ          Message
0        started   i-071c5e7d69b1c481e  ubuntu@22.04  us-east-1a  running
2        started  i-088477c2ef3b121f9  ubuntu@22.04  us-east-1a  running
3        started  i-01d8ebfd3ae8d2a24  ubuntu@22.04  us-east-1a  running
4        started  i-074de4290a1500f16  ubuntu@22.04  us-east-1a  running

Full logs:

Core error being:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 272, in request
    resp = call(urls[0])
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 224, in call
    for attempt in Retrying(
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/tenacity/", line 347, in __iter__
    do = self.iter(retry_state=retry_state)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/tenacity/", line 325, in iter
    raise retry_exc.reraise()
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/tenacity/", line 158, in reraise
    raise self.last_attempt.result()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 451, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 403, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 251, in call
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 503 Server Error: Service Unavailable for url:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/./src/", line 94, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 544, in main
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 520, in run
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 509, in _emit
    _emit_charm_event(self.charm, self.dispatcher.event_name)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 143, in _emit_charm_event
    event_to_emit.emit(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 352, in emit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 851, in _emit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/venv/ops/", line 941, in _reemit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 467, in _on_opensearch_data_storage_detaching
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 327, in release
    if self._unit_with_lock(host) ==
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 199, in _unit_with_lock
    document_data = self._opensearch.request(
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-1/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 284, in request
    raise OpenSearchHttpError(
charms.opensearch.v0.opensearch_exceptions.OpenSearchHttpError: HTTP error self.response_code=503
self.response_body={'error': {'root_cause': [{'type': 'no_shard_available_action_exception', 'reason': 'No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]'}], 'type': 'no_shard_available_action_exception', 'reason': 'No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]'}, 'status': 503}
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

phvalguima commented 5 months ago

Only solution was to remove machines with --force. Using force=True neither with remove-application nor remove-unit work.

carlcsaposs-canonical commented 5 months ago

@phvalguima can you provide the full DEBUG-level log? without it, it's not possible to determine if this is a lock issue or another issue

carlcsaposs-canonical commented 5 months ago

Tried reproducing with deploying 3 units and removing application results: first unit scales down correctly second unit acquires lock second unit fails to release lock. guess: last remaining unit is not online? or something else is causing no_shard_available_action_exception

carlcsaposs-canonical commented 5 months ago

_cluster/health endpoint shows

  "cluster_name": "opensearch-phav",
  "status": "red",
  "timed_out": false,
  "number_of_nodes": 1,
  "number_of_data_nodes": 1,
  "discovered_master": true,
  "discovered_cluster_manager": true,
  "active_primary_shards": 2,
  "active_shards": 2,
  "relocating_shards": 0,
  "initializing_shards": 0,
  "unassigned_shards": 3,
  "delayed_unassigned_shards": 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks": 0,
  "number_of_in_flight_fetch": 0,
  "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis": 0,
  "active_shards_percent_as_number": 40.0

_nodes endpoint shows

_nodes ```json { "_nodes": { "total": 1, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "cluster_name": "opensearch-phav", "nodes": { "mno4iMe5RiuRAw3yysFyQg": { "name": "opensearch-0", "transport_address": "", "host": "", "ip": "", "version": "2.12.0", "build_type": "tar", "build_hash": "6a67da4db576f1f2c6c60bbfd97a74809bdb2dfc", "total_indexing_buffer": 107374182, "roles": [ "cluster_manager", "coordinating_only", "data", "ingest", "ml" ], "attributes": { "shard_indexing_pressure_enabled": "true" }, "settings": { "cluster": { "name": "opensearch-phav", "initial_cluster_manager_nodes": [ "opensearch-2", "opensearch-0" ] }, "node": { "attr": { "shard_indexing_pressure_enabled": "true" }, "name": "opensearch-0", "roles": [ "data", "ingest", "ml", "coordinating_only", "cluster_manager" ] }, "path": { "data": [ "/var/snap/opensearch/common/var/lib/opensearch" ], "logs": "/var/snap/opensearch/common/var/log/opensearch", "home": "/var/snap/opensearch/current/usr/share/opensearch" }, "discovery": { "seed_providers": "file" }, "client": { "type": "node" }, "http": { "compression": "false", "type": "", "type.default": "netty4" }, "index": { "store": { "hybrid": { "mmap": { "extensions": [ "nvd", "dvd", "tim", "tip", "dim", "kdd", "kdi", "cfs", "doc", "vec", "vex" ] } } } }, "prometheus": { "cluster": { "settings": "false" }, "indices": "false", "nodes": { "filter": "_local" }, "metric_name": { "prefix": "opensearch_" } }, "transport": { "type": "", "type.default": "netty4" }, "network": { "host": [ "_site_", "juju-dc3ec8-1.lxd", "" ] } }, "os": { "refresh_interval_in_millis": 1000, "name": "Linux", "pretty_name": "Ubuntu Core 22", "arch": "amd64", "version": "6.5.0-1018-gcp", "available_processors": 8, "allocated_processors": 8 }, "process": { "refresh_interval_in_millis": 1000, "id": 26323, "mlockall": false }, "jvm": { "pid": 26323, "version": "21.0.2", "vm_name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM", "vm_version": "21.0.2+13-Ubuntu-122.04.1", "vm_vendor": "Private Build", "bundled_jdk": false, "using_bundled_jdk": null, "start_time_in_millis": 1713856248566, "mem": { "heap_init_in_bytes": 1073741824, "heap_max_in_bytes": 1073741824, "non_heap_init_in_bytes": 7667712, "non_heap_max_in_bytes": 0, "direct_max_in_bytes": 0 }, "gc_collectors": [ "G1 Young Generation", "G1 Concurrent GC", "G1 Old Generation" ], "memory_pools": [ "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'", "Metaspace", "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'", "Compressed Class Space", "G1 Eden Space", "G1 Old Gen", "G1 Survivor Space", "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'" ], "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers": "true", "input_arguments": [ "-Xshare:auto", "-Dopensearch.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60", "-Dopensearch.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10", "-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch", "-Xss1m", "-Djava.awt.headless=true", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8", "-Djna.nosys=true", "-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow", "-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages", "-Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true", "-Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true", "-Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0", "-Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0", "-Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false", "-Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true", "", "-Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT", "-Xms1g", "-Xmx1g", "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:G1ReservePercent=25", "-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30", "", "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError", "-XX:HeapDumpPath=data", "-XX:ErrorFile=/var/snap/opensearch/common/var/log/opensearch/hs_err_pid%p.log", "-Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=/var/snap/opensearch/common/var/log/opensearch/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m", "", "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector", "-Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.threadFactory=org.opensearch.secure_sm.SecuredForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912", "-Dopensearch.path.home=/var/snap/opensearch/current/usr/share/opensearch", "-Dopensearch.path.conf=/var/snap/opensearch/current/etc/opensearch", "-Dopensearch.distribution.type=tar", "-Dopensearch.bundled_jdk=false" ] }, "thread_pool": { "remote_refresh_retry": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "force_merge": { "type": "fixed", "size": 1, "queue_size": -1 }, "fetch_shard_started": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 16, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "urgent_stream_reader": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "listener": { "type": "fixed", "size": 4, "queue_size": -1 }, "priority_stream_reader": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "opensearch_ml_execute": { "type": "fixed", "size": 7, "queue_size": 10 }, "remote_recovery": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 16, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "training": { "type": "fixed", "size": 1, "queue_size": 1 }, "opensearch_ml_train": { "type": "fixed", "size": 7, "queue_size": 10 }, "stream_reader": { "type": "scaling", "core": 8, "max": 32, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "priority_future_completion": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 8, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "index_searcher": { "type": "fixed_auto_queue_size", "size": 16, "queue_size": 1000 }, "remote_purge": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "sql-worker": { "type": "fixed", "size": 8, "queue_size": 1000 }, "search": { "type": "fixed_auto_queue_size", "size": 13, "queue_size": 1000 }, "opensearch_workflow": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 7, "keep_alive": "1m", "queue_size": -1 }, "opensearch_asynchronous_search_generic": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 16, "keep_alive": "30m", "queue_size": -1 }, "flush": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "fetch_shard_store": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 16, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "opensearch_ml_predict": { "type": "fixed", "size": 16, "queue_size": 10000 }, "opensearch_provision_workflow": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 7, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "get": { "type": "fixed", "size": 8, "queue_size": 1000 }, "system_read": { "type": "fixed", "size": 4, "queue_size": 2000 }, "urgent_future_completion": { "type": "fixed", "size": 1, "queue_size": 10000 }, "open_distro_job_scheduler": { "type": "fixed", "size": 8, "queue_size": 200 }, "write": { "type": "fixed", "size": 8, "queue_size": 10000 }, "opensearch_ml_general": { "type": "fixed", "size": 7, "queue_size": 100 }, "replication_follower": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 10, "keep_alive": "1m", "queue_size": -1 }, "opensearch_deprovision_workflow": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 7, "keep_alive": "1m", "queue_size": -1 }, "refresh": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "opensearch_ml_deploy": { "type": "fixed", "size": 7, "queue_size": 10 }, "replication_leader": { "type": "fixed", "size": 13, "queue_size": 1000 }, "translog_sync": { "type": "fixed", "size": 32, "queue_size": 10000 }, "system_write": { "type": "fixed", "size": 4, "queue_size": 1000 }, "generic": { "type": "scaling", "core": 4, "max": 128, "keep_alive": "30s", "queue_size": -1 }, "warmer": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "translog_transfer": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "opensearch_ml_register": { "type": "fixed", "size": 7, "queue_size": 10 }, "management": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 5, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "future_completion": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 8, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "analyze": { "type": "fixed", "size": 1, "queue_size": 16 }, "_plugin_geospatial_ip2geo_datasource_update": { "type": "fixed", "size": 1, "queue_size": 1000 }, "ad-threadpool": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "10m", "queue_size": -1 }, "snapshot": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 4, "keep_alive": "5m", "queue_size": -1 }, "search_throttled": { "type": "fixed_auto_queue_size", "size": 1, "queue_size": 100 }, "ad-batch-task-threadpool": { "type": "scaling", "core": 1, "max": 1, "keep_alive": "10m", "queue_size": -1 } }, "transport": { "bound_address": [ "" ], "publish_address": "", "profiles": {} }, "http": { "bound_address": [ "" ], "publish_address": "", "max_content_length_in_bytes": 104857600 }, "plugins": [ { "name": "opensearch-alerting", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Amazon OpenSearch alerting plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.alerting.AlertingPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "lang-painless" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-anomaly-detection", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch anomaly detector plugin", "classname": "", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "lang-painless", "opensearch-job-scheduler" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-asynchronous-search", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Provides support for asynchronous search", "classname": "", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-cross-cluster-replication", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Cross Cluster Replication Plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.replication.ReplicationPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-custom-codecs", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch plugin that implements custom compression codecs", "classname": "org.opensearch.index.codec.customcodecs.CustomCodecPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-flow-framework", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch plugin that enables builders to innovate AI apps on OpenSearch", "classname": "org.opensearch.flowframework.FlowFrameworkPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-geospatial", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Geospatial plugin to host geospatial features", "classname": "org.opensearch.geospatial.plugin.GeospatialPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-job-scheduler" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-index-management", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Index Management Plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.indexmanagement.IndexManagementPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-job-scheduler" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-job-scheduler", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Job Scheduler plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.jobscheduler.JobSchedulerPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-knn", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch k-NN plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.knn.plugin.KNNPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "lang-painless" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-ml", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "machine learning plugin for opensearch", "classname": "", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-neural-search", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "A plugin that adds dense neural retrieval into the OpenSearch ecosytem", "classname": "org.opensearch.neuralsearch.plugin.NeuralSearch", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-knn" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-notifications", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Notifications Plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.notifications.NotificationPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-notifications-core" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-notifications-core", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Notifications Core Plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.notifications.core.NotificationCorePlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-observability", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Plugin for OpenSearch Dashboards Observability", "classname": "org.opensearch.observability.ObservabilityPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-performance-analyzer", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Performance Analyzer Plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.performanceanalyzer.PerformanceAnalyzerPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-reports-scheduler", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Scheduler for Dashboards Reports Plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.reportsscheduler.ReportsSchedulerPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-job-scheduler" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-security", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Provide access control related features for OpenSearch", "classname": "", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-security-analytics", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Security Analytics plugin", "classname": "org.opensearch.securityanalytics.SecurityAnalyticsPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-job-scheduler" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-skills", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch Skills", "classname": "org.opensearch.agent.ToolPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "opensearch-ml" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-sql", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "OpenSearch SQL", "classname": "org.opensearch.sql.plugin.SQLPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "prometheus-exporter", "version": "", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Prometheus exporter plugin for OpenSearch", "classname": "org.opensearch.plugin.prometheus.PrometheusExporterPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "repository-gcs", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.", "classname": "org.opensearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "repository-s3", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories", "classname": "org.opensearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false } ], "modules": [ { "name": "aggs-matrix-stats", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Adds aggregations whose input are a list of numeric fields and output includes a matrix.", "classname": "", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "analysis-common", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to OpenSearch.", "classname": "org.opensearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "lang-painless" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "geo", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Plugin for geospatial features in OpenSearch. Registering the geo_shape and aggregations on GeoShape and GeoPoint", "classname": "org.opensearch.geo.GeoModulePlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "ingest-common", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources", "classname": "org.opensearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "lang-painless" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "ingest-geoip", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Ingest processor that uses looksup geo data based on ip adresses using the Maxmind geo database", "classname": "org.opensearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "ingest-user-agent", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent", "classname": "org.opensearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "lang-expression", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Lucene expressions integration for OpenSearch", "classname": "org.opensearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "lang-mustache", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Mustache scripting integration for OpenSearch", "classname": "org.opensearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "lang-painless", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for OpenSearch", "classname": "org.opensearch.painless.PainlessPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "mapper-extras", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Adds advanced field mappers", "classname": "org.opensearch.index.mapper.MapperExtrasPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "opensearch-dashboards", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Plugin exposing APIs for OpenSearch Dashboards system indices", "classname": "org.opensearch.dashboards.OpenSearchDashboardsPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "parent-join", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations", "classname": "org.opensearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "percolator", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents", "classname": "org.opensearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "rank-eval", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.", "classname": "org.opensearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "reindex", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.", "classname": "org.opensearch.index.reindex.ReindexPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "repository-url", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Module for URL repository", "classname": "org.opensearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "search-pipeline-common", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Module for search pipeline processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources", "classname": "", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [ "lang-painless" ], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "systemd", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Integrates OpenSearch with systemd", "classname": "org.opensearch.systemd.SystemdPlugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false }, { "name": "transport-netty4", "version": "2.12.0", "opensearch_version": "2.12.0", "java_version": "11", "description": "Netty 4 based transport implementation", "classname": "org.opensearch.transport.Netty4Plugin", "custom_foldername": "", "extended_plugins": [], "has_native_controller": false } ], "ingest": { "processors": [ { "type": "append" }, { "type": "bytes" }, { "type": "convert" }, { "type": "copy" }, { "type": "csv" }, { "type": "date" }, { "type": "date_index_name" }, { "type": "dissect" }, { "type": "dot_expander" }, { "type": "drop" }, { "type": "fail" }, { "type": "foreach" }, { "type": "geoip" }, { "type": "geojson-feature" }, { "type": "grok" }, { "type": "gsub" }, { "type": "html_strip" }, { "type": "ip2geo" }, { "type": "join" }, { "type": "json" }, { "type": "kv" }, { "type": "lowercase" }, { "type": "pipeline" }, { "type": "remove" }, { "type": "remove_by_pattern" }, { "type": "rename" }, { "type": "script" }, { "type": "set" }, { "type": "sort" }, { "type": "sparse_encoding" }, { "type": "split" }, { "type": "text_embedding" }, { "type": "text_image_embedding" }, { "type": "trim" }, { "type": "uppercase" }, { "type": "urldecode" }, { "type": "user_agent" } ] }, "aggregations": { "adjacency_matrix": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "auto_date_histogram": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "avg": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "cardinality": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "geo_shape", "geopoint", "ip", "numeric", "range" ] }, "children": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "composite": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "date_histogram": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric", "range" ] }, "date_range": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "diversified_sampler": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "numeric" ] }, "extended_stats": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "filter": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "filters": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "geo_bounds": { "types": [ "geo_shape", "geopoint" ] }, "geo_centroid": { "types": [ "geopoint" ] }, "geo_distance": { "types": [ "geopoint" ] }, "geohash_grid": { "types": [ "geo_shape", "geopoint" ] }, "geohex_grid": { "types": [ "geopoint" ] }, "geotile_grid": { "types": [ "geo_shape", "geopoint" ] }, "global": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "histogram": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric", "range" ] }, "ip_range": { "types": [ "ip" ] }, "matrix_stats": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "max": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "median_absolute_deviation": { "types": [ "numeric" ] }, "min": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "missing": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "geo_shape", "geopoint", "ip", "numeric", "range" ] }, "multi_terms": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "ip", "numeric", "other" ] }, "nested": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "parent": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "percentile_ranks": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "percentiles": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "range": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "rare_terms": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "ip", "numeric" ] }, "reverse_nested": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "sampler": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "scripted_metric": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "significant_terms": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "ip", "numeric" ] }, "significant_text": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "stats": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "sum": { "types": [ "boolean", "date", "numeric" ] }, "terms": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "ip", "numeric" ] }, "top_hits": { "types": [ "other" ] }, "value_count": { "types": [ "boolean", "bytes", "date", "geo_shape", "geopoint", "ip", "numeric", "range" ] }, "variable_width_histogram": { "types": [ "numeric" ] }, "weighted_avg": { "types": [ "numeric" ] } }, "search_pipelines": { "request_processors": [ { "type": "filter_query" }, { "type": "neural_query_enricher" }, { "type": "oversample" }, { "type": "question_rewrite" }, { "type": "script" } ], "response_processors": [ { "type": "collapse" }, { "type": "rename_field" }, { "type": "rerank" }, { "type": "retrieval_augmented_generation" }, { "type": "truncate_hits" } ] } } } } ```

.charm_node_lock/_source/0 endpoint shows

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "no_shard_available_action_exception",
        "reason": "No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]"
    "type": "no_shard_available_action_exception",
    "reason": "No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]"
  "status": 503

.charm_node_lock endpoint shows

  ".charm_node_lock": {
    "aliases": {},
    "mappings": {
      "properties": {
        "unit-name": {
          "type": "text",
          "fields": {
            "keyword": {
              "type": "keyword",
              "ignore_above": 256
    "settings": {
      "index": {
        "replication": {
          "type": "DOCUMENT"
        "number_of_shards": "1",
        "auto_expand_replicas": "0-all",
        "provided_name": ".charm_node_lock",
        "creation_date": "1713856271230",
        "number_of_replicas": "0",
        "uuid": "0A75oySnQIiw0ur0XdfTbw",
        "version": {
          "created": "136337827"
carlcsaposs-canonical commented 5 months ago

theory: root cause of issue could be that when scaling from 2 -> 1 units new cluster manager is not elected since solution for #230 (described here: not implemented

more info:

Mehdi-Bendriss commented 4 months ago

I did some digging, and this is essentially related to the nodes allocation exclusion on the departing node holding the primary shard of the locking index. The charm is too fast in the stop procedures for OpenSearch to take the allocation exclusion into consideration and have the primary shard of the locking index moved immediately ==> primary shard lost ==> cluster health red

This is addressed and fixed in - where we block until the allocation exclusion fully takes effect

carlcsaposs-canonical commented 4 months ago

Able to reliably produce by:

  1. deploy 3 units, wait for active idle
  2. Check which node has primary shard with curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
  3. Run juju debug-hooks on a node that does not have primary shard—to ensure that it shuts down last
  4. juju remove-application opensearch

all units except debug-hooks unit will successfully shutdown & release opensearch lock curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@ will show that primary shard is unassigned

  1. run ./dispatch on debug-hooks. exit if event successful. repeat. if event not successful, run ./dispatch again (to simulate juju retry)

you'll see an error

2024-04-29 12:32:14,242 ERROR    Error checking which unit has OpenSearch lock
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 272, in request
    resp = call(urls[0])
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 224, in call
    for attempt in Retrying(
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/venv/tenacity/", line 347, in __iter__
    do = self.iter(retry_state=retry_state)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/venv/tenacity/", line 325, in iter
    raise retry_exc.reraise()
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/venv/tenacity/", line 158, in reraise
    raise self.last_attempt.result()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 451, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 403, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 251, in call
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/venv/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 503 Server Error: Service Unavailable for url:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 297, in acquired
    unit = self._unit_with_lock(host)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 199, in _unit_with_lock
    document_data = self._opensearch.request(
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-opensearch-0/charm/lib/charms/opensearch/v0/", line 284, in request
    raise OpenSearchHttpError(
charms.opensearch.v0.opensearch_exceptions.OpenSearchHttpError: HTTP error self.response_code=503
self.response_body={'error': {'root_cause': [{'type': 'no_shard_available_action_exception', 'reason': 'No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]'}], 'type': 'no_shard_available_action_exception', 'reason': 'No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]'}, 'status': 503}

reproduced using #263 PR branch

also worth noting that the cluster manager switchover worked fine from 2 -> 1 units in this test (confirmed with _cat/cluster_manager)

Before remove-application

$ curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
.charm_node_lock 0 p STARTED 0 15.6kb opensearch-1
.charm_node_lock 0 r STARTED 0 15.6kb  opensearch-0
.charm_node_lock 0 r STARTED 0 14.6kb opensearch-2
$ curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
4yCZHb-tSeacR8TLRpTNmA opensearch-1

When two units left

$ curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
.charm_node_lock 0 p STARTED    0 23.7kb opensearch-1
.charm_node_lock 0 r UNASSIGNED                     
$ curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
4yCZHb-tSeacR8TLRpTNmA opensearch-1

After remove-application and one unit remaining

$ curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
.charm_node_lock 0 p UNASSIGNED    
$ curl --insecure -XGET https://admin:password@
Yx7fjlKoQh-BNZyL1juprw opensearch-0

(debug-hooks ran on unit 0)

reneradoi commented 3 months ago

Trying to reproduce the issue with the current main (revision 95 in channel 2/edge) did not show the error anymore. Assumption is it was resolved with one of the recent fixes, presumably

phvalguima commented 3 months ago

So, #312 will affect the lock release. Here, the issue was reachng out to the cluster so we can acquire the lock, or check its state.

I think what may have changed now and then is the error handling when issue a request.

reneradoi commented 3 months ago

I think what may have changed now and then is the error handling when issue a request.

Hi @phvalguima Could you please explain what you mean with that?

reneradoi commented 3 months ago

I've further investigated here, especially the error seen in juju debug-logs:

charms.opensearch.v0.opensearch_exceptions.OpenSearchHttpError: HTTP error self.response_code=503
self.response_body={'error': {'root_cause': [{'type': 'no_shard_available_action_exception', 'reason': 'No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]'}], 'type': 'no_shard_available_action_exception', 'reason': 'No shard available for [get [.charm_node_lock][0]: routing [null]]'}, 'status': 503}

This error happens here:

Instead of returning False when it can't check the node locks (in OpenSearch), shouldn't it instead try to aquire the peer databag lock as a fallback?

I've tested this now locally, and it seems to be working fine. What do you think @phvalguima ?

reneradoi commented 3 months ago

With we added a workaround to avoid this deadlock situation when removing an application. The observed behaviour is now no longer keeping the application from being removed.

Nevertheless, the root cause will need to be investigated further. This will be done in