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feat(daemon): use new identities system to authorize API requests #434

Open benhoyt opened 3 weeks ago

benhoyt commented 3 weeks ago

This adds the code to actually use the new state-based identities for API authorization and authentication (part of spec OP043).

The PR updates the AccessCheckers to actually use the UserState value, and the daemon's userFromRequest to actually look up the user/identity. It also updates the notices code to use the UserState value where applicable.

If there is a named identity (a non-nil UserState), that is used, even if the "default UID-based auth" would let them in. So named identities trump the default ("uid==0 || uid==daemon_uid" means admin; any uid means read). For example, if you have a user bob: {access: untrusted, local: {user-id: 42}} and are making a request with UID 42, it'll only work for untrusted/open endpoints (/v1/health and /v1/system-info), not the usual of any read API.

hpidcock commented 2 weeks ago

Let's do this one last.

IronCore864 commented 2 weeks ago

I roughly viewed the code (in those smaller PRs in Ben's forked repo, thus didn't leave any comments), and tested this feature. In summary, the feature works as expected, but I find a few places that could be improved, see details below. Here are the tests I ran:

pebble identities

pebble add-identities

pebble identity

pebble update-identities

pebble remove-identities

State File

Inspected, content as expected.

Other Small Things

benhoyt commented 1 week ago

@IronCore864 Thanks a lot for your manual testing and feedback. Responding to your suggestions:

missing "access" ... As expected, but invalid access "" seems not clear

I've added a more specific error for the "" case, and clarified the other cases slightly -- thanks.

remove using exactly the same YAML that the user was created: got error 'identity "alice" must be null when removing'. This error message is not very helpful, what does it mean by "must be null"? Delete the user from the OS? Does the user have something that must be deleted first?

I've clarified the error message slightly.

Also, it's slight annoying because users have to edit the YAML file they used to create the user in the first place. It would be nice if we can run add/udpdate and remove with the same input file, just like kubectl create/apply and delete.

This is by design (per spec review discussion), so it's not easy to accidentally remove a user. I can see that it's a bit annoying, but I think annoying is better than an accidental removal. Also, it's consistent with the pebble update-identities --replace remove operation (must be null). If this design turns out to be a mistake, we can always make pebble remove-identities more permissive (but we can't go the other way).

It would be nice if the help command can show a sample YAML input, telling users the structure and the mandatory fields.

I've added some basic examples to the help text. I'm not going to specify full details of the YAML structure (that will be in our Pebble docs!) but hopefully these basic examples help. They also help clarify the remove-identities null thing.

pebble remove-identities requires YAML input, but given user names and UIDs are both unique, it would be nice if we can do pebble remove-identities --uid 1000 or simply pebble remove-identities bob.

In the spec review, we discussed a future extension (for both remove-identities and add/update-identities) that would allow you to remove identities (or add/update a single identity for add-identities/update-identities) using command line parameters. However, we felt that the YAML version was enough for a v1, so we're leaving that for future work. I think if we did this we'd allow pebble remove-identities bob alice.

There is no pebble replace-identities CLI command, but it seems this is available by looking at the code, at least it's possible to do so via API.

That's pebble update-identities --replace .... In spec review we decided to make it a single CLI command with the --replace option.

It seems the "untrusted" identity isn't useful, all operations require either read access or admin access. Also, from a user's perspective, why would I add a user as untrusted in Pebble so that they can do nothing? If the user don't add it as untrusted, they can't do anything anyway.

You're right: it's not really useful. However, we allow "untrusted" as one of the access constants for completeness. Also, I think it may be useful for other (future) authentication types, though I haven't fully thought that one through.

hpidcock commented 1 week ago

@benhoyt I think I want to review this one in isolation after the rest have been merged.

nishitm commented 17 hours ago

the changes look good from the security point of view