rename base to ubuntu@20.04 as per new rockcraft syntax
use 1.20/stable snap for Go
refactor tox.ini according to canonical/oidc-authservice-rock#14 and canonical/bundle-kubeflow#763
use placeholder instead of bundle-integration tests due to #61 (there are no charm integration tests for this charm)
add placeholder instead of sanity tests since there are none at the moment
Note CI needs a sanity and integration environment in order to not fail and be able to publish the produced ROCK after merging this.
ROCK can be built and unit goes to active using it. I didn't run any hands-on tests since bundle-integration and manual tests will be run once all kfp ROCKs are updated.
snap for Gotox.ini
according to canonical/oidc-authservice-rock#14 and canonical/bundle-kubeflow#763Note CI needs a
environment in order to not fail and be able to publish the produced ROCK after merging this.Testing
ROCK can be built and unit goes to active using it. I didn't run any hands-on tests since bundle-integration and manual tests will be run once all kfp ROCKs are updated.
Closes #48