canonical / postgresql-operator

A Charmed Operator for running PostgreSQL on machines
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 19 forks source link

Uncaught exception while in charm code (line 971) JSONDecodeError hook failed: "database-peers-relation-created" #419

Closed mcfly722 closed 5 months ago

mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

Steps to reproduce

juju deploy postgresql --channel 14/stable --to 0,1,2 --base ubuntu@22.04
juju deploy data-integrator --to 0 --channel latest/stable --base ubuntu@22.04
juju deploy pgbouncer --to 0 --channel 1/stable

Expected behavior

All SQL instances+bouncers+data integrations is UP

Actual behavior

postgresql                error        1  postgresql       14/stable      363  no       hook failed: "database-peers-relation-created"


Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Juju CLI: 3.4.1-genericlinux-amd64

Juju agent: 3.4.0

Charm revision: 14/stable

LXD: 5.0.3 (juju cluster deployed without lxd, just snap)

Log output

Juju debug log:

unit-postgresql-0: 21:33:50 ERROR unit.postgresql/0.juju-log database-peers:1: Uncaught exception while in charm code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/requests/", line 971, in json
    return complexjson.loads(self.text, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/./src/", line 1497, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 424, in main
    charm = charm_class(framework)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/./src/", line 156, in __init__
    self.upgrade = PostgreSQLUpgrade(
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/src/", line 47, in __init__
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/src/", line 120, in _on_upgrade_charm_check_legacy
    if self.charm._patroni.member_started:
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/src/", line 367, in member_started
    response = self.get_patroni_health()
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/src/", line 315, in get_patroni_health
    return r.json()
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/requests/", line 975, in json
    raise RequestsJSONDecodeError(e.msg, e.doc, e.pos)
requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
unit-postgresql-0: 21:33:50 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation hook "database-peers-relation-created" (via hook dispatching script: dispatch) failed: exit status 1

Additional context

juju status output:

ubuntu@juju-client-tst:~$ juju status
Model       Controller  Cloud/Region    Version  SLA          Timestamp
controller  maas-tst    manual/default  3.4.0    unsupported  21:22:00Z

App              Version  Status   Scale  Charm            Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
controller                active       3  juju-controller  3.4/stable      79  no
data-integrator           blocked      3  data-integrator  latest/stable   19  no       Please relate the data-integrator with the desired product
pgbouncer                 waiting    0/1  postgresql       14/stable      363  no       waiting for machine
postgresql                error        1  postgresql       14/stable      363  no       hook failed: "database-peers-relation-created"

Unit                Workload  Agent       Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
controller/0        active    idle        0
controller/1        active    idle        1
controller/2*       active    idle        2
data-integrator/0   blocked   idle        0            Please relate the data-integrator with the desired product
data-integrator/1*  blocked   idle        1           Please relate the data-integrator with the desired product
data-integrator/2   blocked   idle        2           Please relate the data-integrator with the desired product
pgbouncer/0         waiting   allocating  3                               waiting for machine
postgresql/0*       error     idle        0            hook failed: "database-peers-relation-created"

Machine  State    Address       Inst id              Base          AZ  Message
0        started   manual:              ubuntu@22.04      Manually provisioned machine
1        started  manual:  ubuntu@22.04      Manually provisioned machine
2        started  manual:  ubuntu@22.04      Manually provisioned machine
3        down                   pending              ubuntu@22.04      manual provider cannot start instances
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Hi, @mcfly722, could you try resolving the error and see if the retry works? We can handle the specific exception, but I'm wondering if there is a deeper problem here.

dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Hi, @mcfly722, latest 14/edge (rev. 393) should handle the exception. Please give it a try.

mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

It looks like it still not works properly.

It looped with same errors.

Guy's is there any stable version for Ubuntu 22.04 where are no this bugs? Maybe for Ubuntu 20.04?

ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju status
Model            Controller          Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
postgresql-maas  lxd-remote-default  lxd-remote/default  3.4.2    unsupported  08:59:29Z

App         Version  Status   Scale  Charm       Channel  Rev  Exposed  Message
postgresql           waiting      1  postgresql  14/edge  393  no       waiting to start PostgreSQL

Unit           Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
postgresql/0*  waiting   idle   0             waiting to start PostgreSQL

Machine  State    Address     Inst id        Base          AZ  Message
0        started  juju-77753d-0  ubuntu@22.04      Running
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log postgresql/0
Time                   Type       Status       Message
10 Apr 2024 08:34:50Z  workload   maintenance  installing PostgreSQL
10 Apr 2024 08:38:24Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "install"
10 Apr 2024 08:38:29Z  workload   maintenance  installing charm software
10 Apr 2024 08:38:30Z  juju-unit  executing    running install hook
10 Apr 2024 08:38:34Z  workload   maintenance  installing PostgreSQL
10 Apr 2024 08:38:36Z  workload   waiting      waiting to start PostgreSQL
10 Apr 2024 08:38:39Z  juju-unit  executing    running restart-relation-created hook
10 Apr 2024 08:39:48Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "restart-relation-created"
10 Apr 2024 08:39:53Z  juju-unit  executing    running restart-relation-created hook
10 Apr 2024 08:41:19Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "restart-relation-created"
10 Apr 2024 08:41:24Z  juju-unit  executing    running restart-relation-created hook
10 Apr 2024 08:42:30Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-elected hook
10 Apr 2024 08:44:38Z  juju-unit  executing    running config-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 08:45:44Z  juju-unit  executing    running start hook
10 Apr 2024 08:46:52Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 08:48:04Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 08:48:10Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 08:48:20Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 08:48:26Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 09:00:23Z  juju-unit  idle
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju debug-log --include postgresql/0
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:16 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:16 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:17 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:18 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-created" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-created" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:41:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-created" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:42:29 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "restart-relation-created" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-0: 08:42:29 INFO juju.worker.uniter found queued "leader-elected" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:44:38 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-elected" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-0: 08:45:44 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "config-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-0: 08:45:44 INFO juju.worker.uniter found queued "start" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:45:47 INFO unit.postgresql/0.juju-log Running legacy hooks/start.
unit-postgresql-0: 08:46:51 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "start" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-0: 08:47:59 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:00 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:01 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:01 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:01 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:01 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:03 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:03 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:04 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:09 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:13 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:14 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:15 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:15 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:17 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:20 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:48:25 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-0: 08:49:30 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-0: 08:49:58 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" shutting down: catacomb 0xc0008a7b00 is dying
unit-postgresql-0: 08:49:59 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:00 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:04 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:06 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:06 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:06 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:11 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:11 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:13 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:15 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:17 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:18 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:18 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:18 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:18 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:18 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-0": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:21 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:22 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:22 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:22 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:22 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:50:25 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:00 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:00 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:02 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:04 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:04 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:05 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:09 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:51:09 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" shutting down: catacomb 0xc0010e6900 is dying
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:14 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:14 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:15 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:16 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:16 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:16 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:52:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:01 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:01 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:02 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:03 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:03 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:03 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:09 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:09 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:17 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:18 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:20 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:20 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:20 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:23 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:54:23 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" shutting down: catacomb 0xc0010e7b00 is dying
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:02 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:02 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:04 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:05 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:05 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:05 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:08 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 08:58:08 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:15 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" shutting down: catacomb 0xc000b55b00 is dying
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:15 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/0"
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:15 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:16 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [cfbd17] "unit-postgresql-0" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:17 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:17 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:18 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:21 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/0" started
unit-postgresql-0: 09:00:21 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Hi, @mcfly722, from the status log it looks like the first hook that failed is install. Can you check if the charmed-postgresql snap is installed in the unit? Can you get the traceback of the failure in the install hook?

mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

Can you get the traceback of the failure in the install hook? How to do it?

From the third try I finally deployed single node. I also unit-added second one and third to cluster, but it becomes totally unstable. Sometimes I see two Primary nodes (it never shows me secondary one), sometimes some hooks fail, somtimes it has state *agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log postgresql/'**

It's absolutelly unstable :(

My current model:

ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju status
Model            Controller          Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
postgresql-maas  lxd-remote-default  lxd-remote/default  3.4.2    unsupported  13:48:31Z

App              Version  Status   Scale  Charm            Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
data-integrator           active     2/3  data-integrator  latest/stable   19  no
pgbouncer        1.21.0   blocked    2/3  pgbouncer        1/edge         142  no       PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
postgresql       14.11    waiting    2/3  postgresql       14/edge        393  no       awaiting for member to start

Unit                Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
data-integrator/0   unknown   lost   0               agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log data-integrator/0'
  pgbouncer/2       unknown   lost                 agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log pgbouncer/2'
data-integrator/1   active    idle   1
  pgbouncer/1       blocked   idle      6432/tcp  PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
data-integrator/2*  active    idle   2
  pgbouncer/0*      blocked   idle       6432/tcp  PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
postgresql/0        unknown   lost   0     5432/tcp  agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log postgresql/0'
postgresql/1        active    idle   1    5432/tcp
postgresql/2*       active    idle   2     5432/tcp

Machine  State    Address       Inst id        Base          AZ  Message
0        started   juju-a1b185-0  ubuntu@22.04      Running
1        started  juju-a1b185-1  ubuntu@22.04      Running
2        started   juju-a1b185-2  ubuntu@22.04      Running

I see in log that internal scripts tries to do something, and automatically restarts elections, but no luck.

juju debug-log --include postgresql/2
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:26 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:26 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:41 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:41 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:46 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:52 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:58 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "upgrade-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:30:05 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:30:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "upgrade-relation-joined" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:30:20 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "upgrade-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:23 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:23 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:29:26 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:34:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:37:18 ERROR unit.postgresql/2.juju-log Uncaught exception while in charm code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/requests/", line 971, in json
    return complexjson.loads(self.text, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/./src/", line 1589, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 544, in main
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 520, in run
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 509, in _emit
    _emit_charm_event(self.charm, self.dispatcher.event_name)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 143, in _emit_charm_event
    event_to_emit.emit(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 352, in emit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 851, in _emit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/ops/", line 941, in _reemit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/./src/", line 1225, in _on_update_status
    if self._handle_workload_failures():
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/./src/", line 1283, in _handle_workload_failures
    if not self._patroni.member_started and self._patroni.is_member_isolated:
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/src/", line 424, in is_member_isolated
    return len(cluster_status.json()["members"]) == 0
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-2/charm/venv/requests/", line 975, in json
    raise RequestsJSONDecodeError(e.msg, e.doc, e.pos)
requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:37:18 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation hook "update-status" (via hook dispatching script: dispatch) failed: exit status 1
unit-postgresql-2: 12:37:18 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:37:28 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:34 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:34 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:34 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:34 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:35 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:37 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:37 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:38 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:39:43 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:40:51 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log restarted PostgreSQL because it was not running
unit-postgresql-2: 12:40:51 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "update-status" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:40:58 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:41:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:23 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:23 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": cannot create relation state tracker: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-minion" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:24 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:25 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:25 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:26 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:32 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:57 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.database-peers-relation-changed error: snap "charmed-postgresql" has no "exporter" configuration option
unit-postgresql-2: 12:42:57 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Early exit update_config: Trying to reset metrics service with no configuration set
unit-postgresql-2: 12:43:20 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.database-peers-relation-changed error: snap "charmed-postgresql" has no "exporter" configuration option
unit-postgresql-2: 12:43:20 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Early exit update_config: Trying to reset metrics service with no configuration set
unit-postgresql-2: 12:43:54 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:43:54 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:43:59 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:00 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:00 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:02 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:02 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:02 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:04 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:04 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:08 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:11 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:12 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:22 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Starting cluster topology observer process
unit-postgresql-2: 12:44:23 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Started cluster topology observer process with PID 14392
unit-postgresql-2: 12:45:37 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:45:42 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:22 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: catacomb 0xc00060ed80 is dying
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:23 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:24 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:26 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:27 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:27 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:30 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:42 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:42 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:46:51 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:47:57 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:47:58 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:01 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:01 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:02 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:03 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:05 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:05 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:06 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:14 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:21 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:32 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:32 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:38 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:39 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:39 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:40 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:40 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:42 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:43 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:43 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:43 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:46 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:46 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:48:53 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:02 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:02 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:02 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:02 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 ERROR juju.worker.logger connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-minion" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "api-address-updater" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:03 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:08 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:08 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:09 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:14 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:14 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:49:21 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:25 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:26 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:32 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:32 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:38 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:52 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:53:53 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:54:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:01 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:01 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:03 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:07 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:07 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:09 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "meter-status" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:09 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:09 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": cannot create relation state tracker: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:09 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:09 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:11 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:12 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:13 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:16 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:23 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 12:57:33 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:03:16 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "update-status" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:08:34 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "update-status" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:08:58 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-created" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:09:08 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-joined" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:09:21 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:09:32 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:09:43 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-joined" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:10:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:10:54 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-joined" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:11:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:11:31 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:32 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:33 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:40 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:41 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:41 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:47 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:54 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:54 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:12:57 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:11 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:11 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "leadership-tracker" manifold worker returned unexpected error: error while postgresql/2 waiting for postgresql leadership release: error blocking on leadership release: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:13 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:13 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:17 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:22 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:22 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:25 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:30 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:31 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:34 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:34 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:35 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:53 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:54 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:13:56 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:01 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:15 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:15 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:20 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:20 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:20 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:34 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:35 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:36 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:36 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:36 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": cannot create relation state tracker: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:36 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:36 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:39 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:46 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:47 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:51 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:56 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:56 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:14:59 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:05 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:15 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:15 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:25 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:39 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:39 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:41 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:50 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:51 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:15:59 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:05 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:20 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "update-status" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:29 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:41 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:41 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:45 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:50 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:50 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:16:51 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:12 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:24 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:25 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:30 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:31 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:32 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:32 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:32 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "leadership-tracker" manifold worker returned unexpected error: leadership failure: error making a leadership claim: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:32 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:32 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:36 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:37 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:37 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:39 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:48 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:48 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:17:58 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:44 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:48 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:49 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:50 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:50 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:51 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:55 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:18:56 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:19:08 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-settings-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:19:28 INFO juju.worker.uniter found queued "leader-elected" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:20:08 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "leader-elected" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:24:08 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Reconfiguring cluster
unit-postgresql-2: 13:25:13 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:25:18 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Reconfiguring cluster
unit-postgresql-2: 13:26:20 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:28:29 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Reconfiguring cluster
unit-postgresql-2: 13:29:30 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:29 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:30 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:36 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:41 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:41 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:45 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:45 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-minion" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:45 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "meter-status" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:45 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:45 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:51 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:54 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:54 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:30:58 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:07 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:08 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:10 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:15 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "update-status" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:23 ERROR unit.postgresql/2.juju-log Failed to list PostgreSQL database users: could not translate host name "None" to address: Temporary failure in name resolution

unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:26 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "update-status" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:37 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-minion" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:37 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:37 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "secret-drain-worker" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:37 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:37 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "logging-config-updater" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:37 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:42 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:44 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:50 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:50 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:31:50 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:03 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:06 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:11 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:16 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Reconfiguring cluster
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:17 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: not all members are ready
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:17 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Deferring reconfigure: another member doing sync right now
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:24 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Failed to connect to PostgreSQL.
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:28 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Failed to connect to PostgreSQL.
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:32 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Failed to connect to PostgreSQL.
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:35 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Failed to connect to PostgreSQL.
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:40 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Failed to connect to PostgreSQL.
unit-postgresql-2: 13:32:46 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:33:54 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Reconfiguring cluster
unit-postgresql-2: 13:33:55 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: not all members are ready
unit-postgresql-2: 13:33:55 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Deferring reconfigure: another member doing sync right now
unit-postgresql-2: 13:34:03 WARNING unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Failed to connect to PostgreSQL.
unit-postgresql-2: 13:34:27 INFO unit.postgresql/2.juju-log database-peers:0: Reconfiguring cluster
unit-postgresql-2: 13:35:49 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:35:49 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:35:56 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:35:56 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:35:57 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:20 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:25 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:30 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:47 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:47 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:56 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:57 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:36:57 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:05 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:08 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:14 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:14 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:14 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:23 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:23 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:26 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:32 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:51 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:52 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:55 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:55 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:57 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:57 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" shutting down: failed to initialize uniter for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:37:59 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:03 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:05 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:05 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:08 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:24 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:25 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:27 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:38:33 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:39:46 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-peers-relation-changed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:47 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:48 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:52 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:52 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:56 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:57 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:40:59 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:01 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:04 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version for "unit-postgresql-2": connection is shut down
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:04 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker stopped
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:04 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:06 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:06 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:06 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:31 INFO juju.worker.uniter unit "postgresql/2" started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:31 INFO juju.worker.uniter hooks are retried true
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:38 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:43 INFO juju.worker.uniter awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:48 INFO juju Starting unit workers for "postgresql/2"
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:49 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:54 INFO juju.worker.apicaller [768c83] "unit-postgresql-2" successfully connected to ""
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:57 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion migration migration phase is now: NONE
unit-postgresql-2: 13:41:57 INFO juju.worker.logger logger worker started
unit-postgresql-2: 13:42:01 INFO juju.worker.upgrader no waiter, upgrader is done
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log postgresql/0
Time                   Type       Status     Message
10 Apr 2024 13:32:05Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:32:11Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:33:50Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:34:28Z  workload   active
10 Apr 2024 13:35:15Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:35:27Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:37:26Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:37:31Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:38:22Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:38:33Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:41:38Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:41:45Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:42:19Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:42:30Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:44:53Z  workload   waiting    awaiting for member to start
10 Apr 2024 13:45:08Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:47:37Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "leader-settings-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:47:44Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:49:02Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "leader-settings-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:49:17Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log postgresql/1
Time                   Type       Status     Message
10 Apr 2024 13:32:38Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "start"
10 Apr 2024 13:32:43Z  juju-unit  executing  running start hook
10 Apr 2024 13:33:50Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:33:54Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/0
10 Apr 2024 13:34:02Z  workload   waiting    awaiting for member to start
10 Apr 2024 13:34:04Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:35:20Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:42:19Z  juju-unit  error      hook failed: "leader-settings-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:42:39Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:43:10Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-relation-changed hook for pgbouncer/0
10 Apr 2024 13:43:21Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-relation-changed hook for pgbouncer/1
10 Apr 2024 13:43:25Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:44:56Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/0
10 Apr 2024 13:45:19Z  workload   active
10 Apr 2024 13:45:22Z  juju-unit  executing  running database-relation-changed hook for pgbouncer/2
10 Apr 2024 13:45:24Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:47:37Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:47:40Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:48:41Z  juju-unit  executing  running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:48:44Z  juju-unit  idle
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log postgresql/2
Time                   Type       Status       Message
10 Apr 2024 13:33:50Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:33:54Z  workload   maintenance  reconfiguring cluster
10 Apr 2024 13:34:26Z  workload   active
10 Apr 2024 13:34:27Z  workload   maintenance  reconfiguring cluster
10 Apr 2024 13:37:26Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:37:40Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:38:28Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:38:33Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:41:38Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:41:44Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:42:18Z  juju-unit  error        hook failed: "database-peers-relation-changed"
10 Apr 2024 13:42:25Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:43:11Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-relation-changed hook for pgbouncer/0
10 Apr 2024 13:43:25Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-relation-changed hook for pgbouncer/1
10 Apr 2024 13:43:32Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/1
10 Apr 2024 13:44:19Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:44:56Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-peers-relation-changed hook for postgresql/0
10 Apr 2024 13:45:35Z  workload   active
10 Apr 2024 13:45:38Z  juju-unit  executing    running database-relation-changed hook for pgbouncer/2
10 Apr 2024 13:48:40Z  juju-unit  idle
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log pgbouncer/0
Time                   Type       Status       Message
10 Apr 2024 13:27:47Z  workload   maintenance  Updating database relation connection information
10 Apr 2024 13:27:49Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:32:06Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:36:29Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:37:27Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-elected hook
10 Apr 2024 13:37:30Z  workload   maintenance  Updating database relation connection information
10 Apr 2024 13:37:32Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:37:33Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@2 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:38:25Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:39:48Z  juju-unit  executing    running backend-database-relation-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:39:54Z  workload   maintenance  updating PgBouncer config
10 Apr 2024 13:39:55Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@2 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:39:55Z  workload   maintenance  Reloading Pgbouncer
10 Apr 2024 13:39:56Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@2 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:39:58Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:39:59Z  workload   maintenance  Updating database relation connection information
10 Apr 2024 13:40:01Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:40:02Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@1 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:40:02Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:48:38Z  juju-unit  idle
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log pgbouncer/1
Time                   Type       Status       Message
10 Apr 2024 13:19:03Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:27:40Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:31:11Z  juju-unit  executing    running start hook
10 Apr 2024 13:31:15Z  workload   maintenance  updating PgBouncer users
10 Apr 2024 13:31:16Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:31:17Z  workload   blocked      backend database relation not ready
10 Apr 2024 13:32:40Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:32:42Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:42:20Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:42:29Z  juju-unit  executing    running backend-database-relation-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:42:34Z  workload   maintenance  updating PgBouncer config
10 Apr 2024 13:42:34Z  workload   blocked      backend database relation not ready
10 Apr 2024 13:42:34Z  workload   maintenance  Reloading Pgbouncer
10 Apr 2024 13:42:35Z  workload   blocked      backend database relation not ready
10 Apr 2024 13:42:37Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:42:38Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:47:34Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:47:37Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:48:44Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:48:47Z  juju-unit  idle
ubuntu@jujunode1-tst:~$ juju show-status-log pgbouncer/2
Time                   Type       Status       Message
10 Apr 2024 13:32:14Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:35:20Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:35:26Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:36:25Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:36:31Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:37:27Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:37:31Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:38:28Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:38:33Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:42:21Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:44:56Z  juju-unit  executing    running backend-database-relation-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:45:02Z  workload   maintenance  updating PgBouncer config
10 Apr 2024 13:45:02Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:45:02Z  workload   maintenance  Reloading Pgbouncer
10 Apr 2024 13:45:06Z  workload   blocked      PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
10 Apr 2024 13:45:07Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:47:39Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:47:44Z  juju-unit  idle
10 Apr 2024 13:49:07Z  juju-unit  executing    running leader-settings-changed hook
10 Apr 2024 13:49:17Z  juju-unit  idle
dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Hi, pgbouncer uses the same snap. Can you ssh into a failing unit and run snap list? For postgresql charm revision 393, you should have a charmed-postgresql snap with revision 104 installed. For pgbouncer charm revision 142 you should have a charmed-postgresql snap with revision 111 installed.

If the snap is not installed, try to install it manually and see if there are any errors. If the snap is already installed, check if there is a snap.charmed-postgresql.patroni service running.

The data-integrator charm doesn't install any snaps, so that it is also having issues makes me think there is some kind of general connectivity issue

mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

As I understand, (correct me, please, if not) charmed-postgresql snap revision should match for postgresql-operator and pgbouncer-operator on same machine. So, question - is there any table with this information (what particular charmed-postgresql snap revision uses particular operator revision)?

I need just simple PostgreSQL14 cluster with bouncer on base=Ubuntu22.04 on lxd+juju cluster, and don't figure out, is there any legitime way to do it without manual machine intrusion?

dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Under normal circumstances the charms will install the snap with the correct revision. But since the install hook has failed, which mainly installs and configures the snap, I'm wondering if the issue is that the snap was unable to install. What the charm is doing is to call the snap CLI to install, so if calling it manually doesn't work, the charm wouldn't be able to bootstrap itself either.

dragomirp commented 5 months ago

I think the issue is that pgbouncer and postgresql are installed on the same machine. Can you try deploying data-integrator on separate machines?

mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

Currently I have problem with forming PgSQL cluster on edge/rev393 (I'm trying without pgbouncer and dataintegrator).

First Primary starts, but after creating second unit, it can't join and form a cluster.

on both units in /var/log/juju/unit-postgresql-0.log i see next repetitive exceptions:

2024-04-11 11:28:27 ERROR unit.postgresql/0.juju-log server.go:325 database-peers:2: Uncaught exception while in charm code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 3022, in _run
    result =, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 526, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '('/var/lib/juju/tools/unit-postgresql-0/goal-state', '--format=json')' returned non-zero exit status 1.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/./src/", line 1589, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 544, in main
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 520, in run
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 509, in _emit
    _emit_charm_event(self.charm, self.dispatcher.event_name)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 143, in _emit_charm_event
    event_to_emit.emit(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 352, in emit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 851, in _emit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 941, in _reemit
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/./src/", line 505, in _on_peer_relation_changed
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/./src/", line 694, in _patroni,
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 432, in planned_units
    return self._backend.planned_units()
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 3339, in planned_units
    app_state = self._run('goal-state', return_output=True, use_json=True)
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/venv/ops/", line 3024, in _run
    raise ModelError(e.stderr) from e
ops.model.ModelError: ERROR connection is shut down

Unfortunatelly stable versions does not starts even first Primary (JSONDecodeError error occurs (updated some external python library?))

dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Hi, are you able to deploy other charms in that model? Looks like there are connectivity issues between the controller and juju units.

mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

I envestigated and really found connectivity issus dealed with incorrect MTU on lxd nodes. Thank you for the tip. Cluster successfully deployed, but there are problem with PGBouncer still exists. Looks like PGBouncer should be fixed...

juju status --model postgresql-maas --color                                                                               jujunode1-tst: Fri Apr 12 08:11:36 2024

Model            Controller          Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
postgresql-maas  lxd-remote-default  lxd-remote/default  3.4.2    unsupported  08:11:38Z

App              Version  Status   Scale  Charm            Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
data-integrator           active       3  data-integrator  latest/stable   19  no
pgbouncer        1.21.0   blocked      3  pgbouncer        1/edge         142  no       PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@1 not running
postgresql       14.11    active       3  postgresql       14/edge        393  no       Primary

Unit                Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
data-integrator/0*  active    idle   0
  pgbouncer/0       blocked   idle                 PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@1 not running
data-integrator/1   active    idle   1
  pgbouncer/1*      blocked   idle        6432/tcp  PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
data-integrator/2   active    idle   2
  pgbouncer/2       blocked   idle                 PgBouncer service pgbouncer-pgbouncer@0 not running
postgresql/0*       active    idle   0     5432/tcp  Primary
postgresql/1        active    idle   1      5432/tcp
postgresql/2        active    idle   2     5432/tcp

Machine  State    Address      Inst id        Base          AZ  Message
0        started  juju-1186e1-0  ubuntu@22.04      Running
1        started   juju-1186e1-1  ubuntu@22.04      Running
2        started  juju-1186e1-2  ubuntu@22.04      Running
mcfly722 commented 5 months ago

Registered with this issue:

dragomirp commented 5 months ago

Glad it worked out.