canonical / react-components

A set of components based on Vanilla Framework
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feat: Migrate Percy from CircleCI to Github Actions #1097

Open jmuzina opened 1 month ago

jmuzina commented 1 month ago



QA steps

Percy steps


Fixes: WD-12705

webteam-app commented 1 month ago



bartaz commented 2 weeks ago

I'm afraid this won't work as needed. In Vanilla copying the static SCSS and HTML was enough to get good approximation of the changes from PR (but we already seen in combined examples PR, that changes to example layout, or percy script were not taken into account, resulting in snapshots being different than after merging).

Here, it's even worse. While obviously src contains all our code of components, but the actual look of them depends on much more, for example all the dependencies: Vanilla itself, React, Storybook, etc.

Even in the simples and very common case of us updating Vanilla to new version, we will not be able to see relevant differences in Percy (because they are not part of the src).

While it would be tempting to copy over the package.json and build with all the new dependencies… this is exactly what GH is trying to secure us from, because this would allow someone to create a PR with unsafe scripts or dependencies in package.json that we would use.

I don't know if there is a good solution for that at this point. It seem to again boil down to what we can and can't do with Percy. We would either need a way to run Percy without secret (and have them use some other way to identifying the build is coming from valid source) or we would need to be able to snapshot to file system, and upload to Percy separately. But to my understanding from previous discussions with their support, neither is possible.

jmuzina commented 1 week ago

Blocked, see Jira comment:

For the time being, we will keep React-Components using CircleCI. GHA migration approach requires too many security compromises to work properly (we would need to allow the untrusted runner to commit arbitrary code to the trusted runner).

If we want this migration to work for React-Components, we may need another approach, such as taking screenshots with a tool like Selenium and uploading them to Percy with percy upload

An issue has been made on Percy’s CLI repo to add necessary functionality for taking Percy snapshots without exporting them. If this issue is implemented we can make a workflow where the untrusted runner takes snapshots and uploads them for the second runner to upload.