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fix: remove intersphinx breaking live build #15

Closed farshidtz closed 4 months ago

farshidtz commented 4 months ago

Removing the interspinx integration which has broken the live build feature:

$ make run
Running Sphinx v7.2.6
loading pickled environment... done
myst v2.0.0: MdParserConfig(commonmark_only=False, gfm_only=False, enable_extensions={'deflist', 'linkify', 'substitution'}, disable_syntax=[], all_links_external=False, url_schemes=('http', 'https', 'mailto', 'ftp'), ref_domains=None, fence_as_directive=set(), number_code_blocks=[], title_to_header=False, heading_anchors=0, heading_slug_func=None, html_meta={}, footnote_transition=True, words_per_minute=200, substitutions={}, linkify_fuzzy_links=True, dmath_allow_labels=True, dmath_allow_space=True, dmath_allow_digits=True, dmath_double_inline=False, update_mathjax=True, mathjax_classes='tex2jax_process|mathjax_process|math|output_area', enable_checkboxes=False, suppress_warnings=[], highlight_code_blocks=True)
loading intersphinx inventory from
encountered some issues with some of the inventories, but they had working alternatives:
intersphinx inventory '' not readable due to ValueError: unknown or unsupported inventory version: ValueError('invalid inventory header: <!doctype html>')

Extension error (sphinx.ext.intersphinx):
Handler <function load_mappings at 0x70cdd7941620> for event 'builder-inited' threw an exception (exception: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'decode')
Sphinx exited with exit code: 2
The server will continue serving the build folder, but the contents being served are no longer in sync with the documentation sources. Please fix the cause of the error above or press Ctrl+C to stop the server.