canonical / rockcraft

Tool to create OCI Images using the language from Snapcraft and Charmcraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Surface `rockcraft pack` errors to accelerate development #625

Open hd9 opened 2 months ago

hd9 commented 2 months ago

What needs to get done

The logs provided by the rockcraft CLI are really detailed and very useful. However, I believe the default behaviour could be enhanced by surfacing additional information.

I'd like to propose a minor enhancement to rockcraft pack that could save developers a lot of time. The idea is to expose the functional error/exception to the developer by default on pack errors.


When building my rock, rockcraft provided this generic message, which includes no context as it relates to my solution:

$ rockcraft pack
'override-build' in part 'build-context' failed with code 1.                                                                                                                        
Recommended resolution: Review the scriptlet and make sure it's correct.                                                                                                            
Failed to execute rockcraft in instance.                                                                                                                                            
Full execution log: '/home/bruno/.local/state/rockcraft/log/rockcraft-20240703-153218.973163.log'

However, this one line buried in the log contains the most relevant information: error: invalid slice reference "libgomp1" in slices/httping.yaml

With that info, it takes the developer a couple of seconds to fix the issue. Without it, it could take them a couple of minutes just to find it.

Why it needs to get done

When rockcraft pack fails, It could surface the upmost functional error/exception by default.

With this proposal, rockcraft pack would be augmented (see line 5 below) to show the error by default, eliminating the need to check logs in most situations.

$ rockcraft pack
'override-build' in part 'build-context' failed with code 1.                                                                                                                        
Recommended resolution: Review the scriptlet and make sure it's correct.                                                                                                            
Failed to execute rockcraft in instance.                                                                                                                                            
error: invalid slice reference "libgomp1" in slices/httping.yaml
Full execution log: '/home/bruno/.local/state/rockcraft/log/rockcraft-20240703-153218.973163.log'

Thanks and great work Team!

tigarmo commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for the kind words.

When rockcraft pack fails, It could surface the upmost functional error/exception by default.

I agree 110% with the spirit of the request, this would indeed be most useful. The problem here is this: that override-build code is executed with bash, and Rockcraft itself has no idea about its contents or the semantics of what's being built. That example is I assume Go code, where it's idiomatic to prefix error statements with error:, but that's just one of the "things that can go wrong". As you might know we currently support python, node, java, autotools, cmake, ... in addition to "anything goes" override-build scripts.

We've been thinking about this recently and are definitely interested in suggestions on how to handle this in the general case.