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The official website's repository for the Snap store
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Can’t add private repositories #2881

Open matthewpaulthomas opened 7 years ago

matthewpaulthomas commented 7 years ago

1. Choose “Set up in minutes” or “Add repos…”. 2. Try to choose a private repo.

What happens: You can’t.

What should happen: You can.

(Not to be confused with canonical-web-and-design/, the equivalent for organization repos.)

ghost commented 7 years ago

From conversation with Colin: it's a substantial sub-project with a fair bit of back and front end involvement. It's at least a few weeks of Launchpad work, ensuring that the rules are exactly correct and that it doesn't break performance, plus adding corresponding privacy rules to BSI.

It's hard to estimate without more detailed discussion but we should assume at least 1 month timeframe.

The corresponding card on OLS board:

@evandandrea fyi

jpeddicord commented 6 years ago

Small request from an org admin: Whenever you do get around to private repository support, could you ensure that a different OAuth application is used? See Travis CI for an example; their app for public repos is "Travis CI" and for private "Travis CI for Private Projects".

The reason for this is that an org admin can only restrict/allow entire apps, and being able to allow access to public repos and not private is favorable. (This is less messy if you're using a "GitHub" app instead of an OAuth app, though.)

eberkund commented 6 years ago

I would love to be able to use private repos. None of the CI providers I have tried have support for cross compiling snaps for different platforms and this is certainly I would pay for. If this were supported I am sure there are many more companies out there as well that would be attracted to using snaps.

I am basically doing builds manually right now for the project I'm working on and waiting for the first provider to offer this at which point I will likely hop onto that.

oberstet commented 5 years ago

Is there any timeline on this? Is it possible when running a branded app store? It is becoming a major bummer for us now.

nottrobin commented 4 years ago is being retired and there's a new build experience on However, I think we still don't support private repos yet. So I'm transferring this issue to