canonical / starbase

A base repository for packages from the Starcraft team
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Docs: Add README template #233

Open medubelko opened 1 month ago

medubelko commented 1 month ago

We should have a standard template that every craft project can use. After discussion with the doc team, the Anbox template is the closest we have to a standard template at the moment, and will be the basis for an official template later on.

@mr-cal To speed this along, here's the same template but made generic for craft projects:

Click to expand
<img align="center" src="[link to logo]" alt="[Project name]">

Insert a logo. The file should be hosted inside the repo.

\# \

Provide the title of the project, library, or tool, or otherwise what the repository delivers.

Add the build status tags.

Add a few succinct lines about what the project or code does and why it's useful.

\#\# Installation

Enter the install instructions. Include any prerequisites and needed configurations.

\#\# Usage

Enter the instructions or steps to use the tool/utility in its most basic case.

\#\# Build

Include the most build instructions. Include any prerequisites and needed configurations.

\#\# Integrations

(Optional) Include details about what's needed required with any other components.

\#\# Security

(Optional) Include instructions required to ensure security and also a means to report security vulnerabilities and issues.

\#\# Cleanup

(Optional) Include instructions on how to uninstall/remove and clean up.

\#\# Licensing

Include the name of the license and a link to the license file.

For example, all Canonical repositories require a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) to be signed for contributions, include the instructions to sign the same.

\#\# Contributing guidelines

Link to the contributing file.

\#\# Next steps

(Optional) Include information on what the users can do next after the initial setup and configuration.

\#\# Support

You can get help and support at the following resources:

\* \
\* (Optional) \
\* (Optional) \
\* (Optional) \

Supercedes #93 and #229.

Acceptance criteria

At minimum, the template should:

  1. Be in Markdown format. READMEs don't build, so RST doesn't help here.
  2. Cover installation and building (the get-up-and-go approach).
  3. Link to relevant license and contribution docs.
syncronize-issues-to-jira[bot] commented 1 month ago

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