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Replace BrightTALK content on page with overlay #8

Open cristinadresch opened 4 years ago

cristinadresch commented 4 years ago

Test info

User problem to solve Don't show duplicated content and ensure it's on brand
Business problem to solve Webinar sign up conversion is low
Objectives Increase number of webinar sign ups
Hypothesis If we make the webinar landing pages simpler by displaying the BrightTALK content in an overlay users will be more likely to fill in the form
Audience All visits to webinar landing page
Stakeholders David c

Test duration

A/B test duration calculator

Traffic Daily visitors (avg)
Current conversion rate TBC
Improvement TBC
Days TBC

Test results

Data Summary and link to Optimize report
Learnings Insights from the test
Next steps Follow up tests, hard code winner, etc