Raised with Quickemu project but it seems that on a lunar host 16.04 qemu vms may cease to work and/or fail to be installable because they can no longer see their virtual disk.
Raised from a physical installation on laptop but then investigated using Quickemu lunar vm ( installed from daily but then kept up-to-date during explorations).
The lunar VM had no problems installing later Ubuntus or current Debian and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, and 16.04.7 experienced no issues installing on a host running 22.04 or 23.10.
On lunar you can boot the 16.04.7 iso and run a live VM, but installing from there or the installation option from boot progresses fine right up to selecting a disk, when it sees none ...
Raised with Quickemu project but it seems that on a lunar host 16.04 qemu vms may cease to work and/or fail to be installable because they can no longer see their virtual disk.
Raised from a physical installation on laptop but then investigated using Quickemu lunar vm ( installed from daily but then kept up-to-date during explorations).
The lunar VM had no problems installing later Ubuntus or current Debian and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, and 16.04.7 experienced no issues installing on a host running 22.04 or 23.10.
On lunar you can boot the 16.04.7 iso and run a live VM, but installing from there or the installation option from boot progresses fine right up to selecting a disk, when it sees none ...
the qemu 16.04 VM is started with
and the qcow2 virtual disk appears fine to the lunar host as a 16G empty disk