canonical / ubuntu-frame-vnc

Remote access to Ubuntu Frame, based on wayvnc
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to use remmina to connect Ubuntu-Frame-VNC? #25

Closed nawip closed 1 month ago

nawip commented 1 month ago

Remmina not connected... But - tested

AlanGriffiths commented 1 month ago

What did you do? What error did you see?

Saviq commented 1 month ago

I'm going to put this down to this:

Rather than expose an extra attack surface, ubuntu-frame-vnc is configured to only listen on localhost, on port 5900 (the default VNC port). It is up to the operator to expose it securely to the outside or provide other means of access.

SSH port forwarding is a common approach. On your host, issue:

$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user>@<hostname

You will then be able to connect to localhost with any VNC client running on your host.

nawip commented 1 month ago

host work on wayland nothing ((

Saviq commented 1 month ago

Sorry, we can't do anything with so little details. You'll have to say what and how you're attempting, what doesn't work.

nawip commented 1 month ago

I have installed ubuntu-frame-vnc on ubuntu server. I did everything according to the tutorial I connect to ubuntu-frame vnc via frame-it.vnc, but other clients do not conneted.

settings ubuntu-frame: snap set ubuntu-frame config=" wallpaper-top=${lib.utils.genColorBg()} wallpaper-bottom=${lib.utils.genColorBg()} diagnostic-delay=0 idle-timeout=0 enable-touchspots=true cursor=auto composite-delay=0 add-wayland-extensions=zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1:zwlr_virtual_pointer_manager_v1:zwp_pointer_constraints_v1:zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1:zwp_virtual_keyboard_manager_v1 authorise-without-apparmor=true "

AlanGriffiths commented 1 month ago

I connect to ubuntu-frame vnc via frame-it.vnc, but other clients do not conneted.

frame-it.vnc is not a VNC client. It is a script to set up SSH port forwarding and then call a VNC client (by default gvncviewer):

$ cat /snap/frame-it/current/frame-it-vnc 
set -eu

vnc_viewer="$(snapctl get vnc-viewer)"
vnc_display="$(snapctl get vnc-display)"

# We `sleep 3` as a hack so that ssh will tidy up after use. It gives
# time for the viewer to grab the tunnel and hold the connection open.
# The alternative `-N` would leave the tunnel open.
ssh -T -L "59${vnc_display:-00}:localhost:5900" -f "$@" "sleep 3"
"${vnc_viewer:-gvncviewer}" "localhost:${vnc_display:-00}"

You can either set up port forwarding yourself or configure frame-it.vnc to use another client:

snap set vnc_viewer=remmina