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[Fix] Handle deprecated products on checkout #13903

Closed pandrey2003 closed 1 month ago

pandrey2003 commented 1 month ago


When a customer tries to renew a subscription for now a deprecated product, the website gets a similar error from the Ubuntu Pro backend: missing one-off product listing for renewal product: "uaia-essential-virtual": product listing not found The current front-end code does not handle this error message correctly, so the opaque Sorry, there was an unknown error with your credit card error message is shown on UI. This PR handles the case of a missing offering correctly and proposes the customer choose another product.

TODO / considerations

It is too late to show such an error at checkout. I believe some validation should be added before going to checkout to ensure that the product is among ValidProducts. However, even despite this consideration, this PR is still relevant to handle integration errors on all levels.

webteam-app commented 1 month ago

pandrey2003 is not a collaborator of the repo

pandrey2003 commented 1 month ago

@minkyngkm / @abhigyanghosh30, I'd appreciate your reviews on this PR. Wanted to flex some front-end skills not to overwhelm my colleagues with such a simple change :wink: Thank you!

abhigyanghosh30 commented 1 month ago

@pandrey2003 Could you provide details of how we could QA this stuff?

minkyngkm commented 1 month ago

@abhigyanghosh30 This PR is to handle this error in Sentry: (Andrew doesn't seem to have access to sentry so I'm adding this link for more reference)

I don't think we can reproduce the error again, but since sentry provides the error message, we can use that to handle the error.

minkyngkm commented 1 month ago

I guess in Summary.tsx the preview api (which causes the error) is also used. Could we try applying this fix in /static/js/src/advantage/subscribe/checkout/components/Summary/Summary.tsx as well?