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gateway timeout on search on USN page #13912

Open setharnold opened 1 month ago

setharnold commented 1 month ago

Hello, I tried searching for recursion on the USN page twice in the several minutes before Fri May 31 21:09:40 UTC 2024 and both times I received a 504 error response:

504 Gateway Time-out The server didn't respond in time.

It appeared to wait around 30 seconds from the time the query was submitted. I would expect a query of this sort (fixed string on fewer than ten thousand documents) to be instant. (By comparison, I searched for recursion among 1254960 files on my laptop that are individually similar in size and contents to the USN database and it executed in two seconds.)

Reported from:

setharnold commented 1 month ago

Apparently the prod-comms-kubernetes had a very unhappy worker that was suffering OOMs, there's a grafana chart linked at that gives more context. After the unhappy machine was rebooted my search query was able to execute to completion, though it was by no means fast:
