canonical / vanilla-framework

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Placeholder should not replace label #4071

Closed marinacastejon closed 2 years ago

marinacastejon commented 2 years ago

Placeholders replacing labels in certain input fields.

In Vanilla there are 2 instances of this:

Summary of previous analysis:

It is worth mentioning that W3C WAI has a search box without a visible label and the placeholder disappears when typing. image.png

bartaz commented 2 years ago

Thanks @marinacastejon, I think we should bring this to Working Group meeting and discuss there. Especially around making Search & Filter more clear, as that's the one that doesn't have the button with search icon.

clagom commented 2 years ago

WG: double check if for screen readers this is well implemented. CC @bartaz

marinacastejon commented 2 years ago

Blocked until checked with users with cognitive disabilities. I'll try to find participants in Canonical for the research on the hiring dashboards.

marinacastejon commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like I will be able to recruit any participants with Aspergers or autism spectrum. Therefore, I investigated and tried to find some research that explicitly advised against the use of placeholders as labels.

Other sources I checked. I found nothing regarding placeholders replacing labels and disappearing on users input.

I suspect it is not the best practice but there is no solid evidence showing that this is blocking users. Since NNG does not point to any sources and WCAG cognitive working group does not mention it, I think we can close this issue @bartaz @clagom

We should still keep in mind the need of extra work to make it accessible for screen reader users, as per WCAG guidelines (see issue description).

clagom commented 2 years ago

WG: the accessibility guild is going to discuss this during the accessibility working group. @bethcollins92

bethcollins92 commented 2 years ago


I've added labels to all the searchbox examples on Vanilla since this issue was created. I haven't checked all our websites, but everyone in the accessibility guild is now aware we need labels and not just placeholders, so they will check their projects and add them if necessary

davegoddard42 commented 2 years ago

I asked the design team to try and find any input fields within our sites and products that lacked a label - every example was a search box. The Vanilla guidelines state that input fields consist of a text input and a label. This appears to be adhered to, and the issue is confined purely to search and search & filter patterns, as @marinacastejon mentioned.

As Marina also found from research, there doesn’t seem to be a “smoking gun” showing that using placeholder text for labels specifically on a search input is bad for people with cognitive accessibilities. There is however, evidence that using placeholder text for labels on input form fields does increase cognitive load, which in particular impacts those with cognitive disabilities (

A lack of a label does cause issues for screen readers but this has been addressed by @bethcollins92's work outlined above.

Does a search box need a label?

Nielsen Norman Group state that the main guidelines ( for search boxes are as follows:

There are occasions when text fields may not need a label as "the purpose may be clear enough from the context when the content is rendered visually" (Web Accessibility Initiative).

It can be argued that the search button (Shown in Vanilla as a magnifying glass) acts as a label. As a very widely used pattern across the web (NN Group), the magnifying glass next to an open text field is well understood by most users.

Cognitive load and the impact on those with cognitive disabilities

The problem with using placeholder text to label a field in general is that it increases the cognitive load for a user, and this can be especially problematic for users with cognitive disabilities (Designing for Cognitive Disabilities axe con 2022).

The increase in cognitive load comes from:

In pages with multiple fields, the problem is magnified

The search and search & filter components differ from normal text fields that might make it the exception.

Norman Nielsen introduce the Search capability using the opening sentence “Search lets users control their own destiny and assert independence from websites' attempt to direct how they use the web”. It appears there is a difference between a form field and a search box - namely, a form fields represent an interface asking a user for an answer, and so what’s being asked for should be visible at all times for the issues around cognitive load outlined above.

A search box however, is the user asking the interface a question - when the user interacts with the component they define what’s being input, and have the necessary context for the content.


An input field must have a label, and using placeholder text is not good enough. On the search input however, the magnifying glass acts as a label. The unique nature of the search interaction also means the usual issues around cognitive load are lessened. I'd argue there isn’t a need to add a label to the search component.

In Vanilla, the Search and Filter component lacks a magnifying glass icon. On typing in the field, the dropdown shows “Search for …”, giving context to the user. 

Despite this, I’d suggest that the magnifying glass icon should be added to the pattern.

clagom commented 2 years ago

WG: @davegoddard42 @marinacastejon (and @wgx from the other search-related issue) are going to review our search and filter spec and eventually amend/integrate it.

clagom commented 2 years ago

@davegoddard42 is going to work on the spec, closing this issue.