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Cannot re-relate with mysql-k8s (8.0/stable) #133

Open taurus-forever opened 1 year ago

taurus-forever commented 1 year ago

Bug Description


I am experiencing an issues on initial relation between mysql-k8s (revision 99, from 8.0/stable):

Issue 1: Initial bootstrap stuck IF relation requested immediately:

juju deploy mysql-k8s --trust
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s

Actual results:

Unit               Workload  Agent  Address     Ports  Message
mysql-k8s/0*       active    idle         Primary
mysql-test-app/0*  waiting   idle

Error log is empty and I see properly populated databag by mysql-k8s:

  - relation-id: 3
    endpoint: database
    related-endpoint: database
      data: '{"database": "wordpress-k8s"}'
      database: wordpress-k8s
      endpoints: mysql-k8s-primary.test7.svc.cluster.local:3306
      password: Cwck7x8MuBpZPPWZh1fB6icW
      read-only-endpoints: mysql-k8s-replicas.test7.svc.cluster.local:3306
      username: relation-3
      version: 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

NOTE: the is no such issue1 IF relation between MySQL and Wordpress established after the full MySQL deployment:

juju deploy mysql-k8s --trust
juju wait-for application mysql-k8s
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s

Any ideas what can be missing here?

Issue 2: It is not possible to remove relation if it stuck on issue1 described above:

juju remove-relation mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s

juju debug-log --tail
ubuntu@taurus-dev:~$ unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: ops 2.6.0 up and running.
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Emitting Juju event database_relation_departed.
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret root-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret server-config-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret cluster-admin-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret monitoring-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:52 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret backups-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-departed" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: ops 2.6.0 up and running.
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Emitting Juju event database_relation_broken.
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 INFO unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Kubernetes service mysql-k8s-primary deleted
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 INFO unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Kubernetes service mysql-k8s-replicas deleted
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret root-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret server-config-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret cluster-admin-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret monitoring-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 DEBUG unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Retrieved secret backups-password for app
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:53 INFO unit.mysql-k8s/0.juju-log database:3: Removed user(s) for relation 3
unit-mysql-k8s-0: 14:28:54 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "database-relation-broken" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)

And relation stuck here in dying state:

> juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s
ERROR cannot add relation "wordpress-k8s:database mysql-k8s:database"
relation wordpress-k8s:database mysql-k8s:database is dying, but not yet removed (already exists): 

Use 'juju status --relations' to view the current relations.

Maybe it worth to update data-platform-libs? Good ideas are welcome!

To Reproduce

Issue 1: juju deploy mysql-k8s --trust juju deploy wordpress-k8s juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s

Issue 2: juju remove-relation mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s


juju 3.1.6-f6a66aa 24582 3.1/edge canonical✓ - microk8s v1.28.0 5802 1.28-strict/stable canonical✓ -

ubuntu@taurus-dev:~$ juju status --relations
Model  Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
test8  k8s6        microk8s/localhost  3.1.6    unsupported  14:32:35+02:00

App            Version                  Status   Scale  Charm          Channel     Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
mysql-k8s      8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1  active       1  mysql-k8s      8.0/stable   99  no       
wordpress-k8s  5.9.3                    waiting      1  wordpress-k8s  stable       42  no       installing agent

Unit              Workload     Agent  Address      Ports  Message
mysql-k8s/0*      active       idle         Primary
wordpress-k8s/0*  maintenance  idle         Starting apache-prometheus-exporter container

Integration provider             Requirer                         Interface          Type     Message
mysql-k8s:database               wordpress-k8s:database           mysql_client       regular  
mysql-k8s:database-peers         mysql-k8s:database-peers         mysql_peers        peer     
mysql-k8s:upgrade                mysql-k8s:upgrade                upgrade            peer     
wordpress-k8s:wordpress-replica  wordpress-k8s:wordpress-replica  wordpress-replica  peer     

Relevant log output


Additional context

No response

mthaddon commented 1 year ago

I haven't been able to reproduce this. I just ran:

juju deploy mysql-k8s --trust
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s

And it worked fine for me. Could you include the output of microk8s kubectl get pods -n $name-of-your-model? I suspect the wordpress pod was still downloading the images since it was in "waiting" status.

taurus-forever commented 1 year ago

With the latest wordpress-k8s revision 50, it stucks on installing charm software for:

juju deploy mysql-k8s --trust
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
juju relate mysql-k8s wordpress-k8s

juju status:

Model       Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
wordpress2  microk8s    microk8s/localhost  3.1.6    unsupported  02:01:06+02:00

App            Version                  Status   Scale  Charm          Channel     Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
mysql-k8s      8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1  active       1  mysql-k8s      8.0/stable   99  no       
wordpress-k8s  5.9.3                    waiting      1  wordpress-k8s  stable       50  no       installing agent

Unit              Workload     Agent      Address     Ports  Message
mysql-k8s/0*      active       idle          Primary
wordpress-k8s/0*  maintenance  executing         installing charm software

The pods list (one is missing):

microk8s kubectl get pods -n wordpress2
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
modeloperator-7dbc85757c-qqt8g   1/1     Running   0          3m19s
mysql-k8s-0                      2/2     Running   0          3m10s
wordpress-k8s-0                  2/3     Running   0          3m

but from here all resources are locally available and issue in a helthcheck, IMHO:

  Type     Reason     Age                   From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                  ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  2m50s                 default-scheduler  Successfully assigned wordpress2/wordpress-k8s-0 to juju31
  Normal   Pulled     2m50s                 kubelet            Container image "jujusolutions/jujud-operator:3.1.6" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    2m50s                 kubelet            Created container charm-init
  Normal   Started    2m50s                 kubelet            Started container charm-init
  Normal   Pulled     2m50s                 kubelet            Container image "jujusolutions/charm-base:ubuntu-22.04" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    2m50s                 kubelet            Created container charm
  Normal   Started    2m49s                 kubelet            Started container charm
  Normal   Pulled     2m49s                 kubelet            Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    2m49s                 kubelet            Created container apache-prometheus-exporter
  Normal   Started    2m49s                 kubelet            Started container apache-prometheus-exporter
  Normal   Pulled     2m49s                 kubelet            Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    2m49s                 kubelet            Created container wordpress
  Normal   Started    2m49s                 kubelet            Started container wordpress
  Warning  Unhealthy  80s (x13 over 2m15s)  kubelet            Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 502

The full output: (see the line 77). How to trace from here?