When getPOIdata calls the query/getSystemPoi endpoint it passes the system name.
This is generally fine, but with systems with duplicate names it doesn't return the correct results.
An example is system: 2MASS J03292155+3121104
In system with id 5063630988321, planet 5 has a Thick Methane-rich atmosphere and no biological signals.
In system with id 18256696452033, planet 5 has a Thin Neon atmosphere and is home to a Bacterium Acies - Magenta.
But the data for Biology relates to system 18256696452033 where planet 5 has a Neon atmosphere:
It's worth noting that the canonn-signals page (neon and methane) and the biostats endpoint are passed the Id64 and show correct data.
The ideal solution would be to implement a query/getSystemPoiById64 which EDMC-Canonn can call, passing the Id64.
When getPOIdata calls the query/getSystemPoi endpoint it passes the system name. This is generally fine, but with systems with duplicate names it doesn't return the correct results.
An example is system: 2MASS J03292155+3121104
In system with id 5063630988321, planet 5 has a Thick Methane-rich atmosphere and no biological signals. In system with id 18256696452033, planet 5 has a Thin Neon atmosphere and is home to a Bacterium Acies - Magenta.
Because the API is called with system name, the EDMC plugin reports Bacterium Acies on the Thick Methane-rich body:
This is in system 5063630988321:
But the data for Biology relates to system 18256696452033 where planet 5 has a Neon atmosphere:
It's worth noting that the canonn-signals page (neon and methane) and the biostats endpoint are passed the Id64 and show correct data. The ideal solution would be to implement a query/getSystemPoiById64 which EDMC-Canonn can call, passing the Id64.