canonn-science / EDMC-Canonn

Project Athens: EDMC plugin to automatically collect accurate science data from the galaxy and coordinate missions
GNU General Public License v3.0
80 stars 12 forks source link

[BUG] Signals are not reported as expected #188

Closed athulin closed 1 year ago

athulin commented 1 year ago

What is your commander name A, Thulin

What version are you running 7.3.1

Describe the bug See next section.

To Reproduce I can't reproduce the problem without resetting local and possibly other info (I suspect the plugin may retrieve last info over the net), or do the scans from another account, which I hesitate to do. But this is how I discovered it. If there is anything I need to do, please let me know.

Visit Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 and FSS scan. Note that EDMC-Cannon does not include A1 and A2 in Missing Data Biology Check A1 and A2 with in-game System / Planet view, and note that A1 reports 1 bio signal and A2 reports two. DSS scan A1. In-game reports Brain Trees, plugin still doesn't report anything. DSS scan A2. In-game reports Bark Mounds and Brain Trees, plugin does not report anything. Descend to A1, locate Brain Tree and comp .scan. Plugin now reports Roseum Brain Tree. Descend to A2, locate Bark Mound and Brain Tree, and comp. scan. Plugin now reports both types of bio.

Expected behavior After FSS, I expected plugin to report unknown life signals for A1 and A2, at least to the level report in-game.

After DSS, I expected plugin to identify life signals to the same extent as they are identified in-game, i.e. including genus.


Log Files

Additional context System is moderately complex with A, AB and C planetary hierarchies.


{ "timestamp":"2023-08-06T12:35:34Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 A 2", "BodyID":10, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":1}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4", "SystemAddress":75832479337280, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":7.542105, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"major rocky magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.000408, "Radius":490646.562500, "SurfaceGravity":0.675227, "SurfaceTemperature":388.414764, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":23.720097 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":17.940886 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":16.606735 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":13.964546 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":8.940341 }, { "Name":"zinc", "Percent":6.446234 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":5.824830 }, { "Name":"arsenic", "Percent":2.206169 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":1.548908 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.523560 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":1.277694 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.667249, "Metal":0.332751 }, "SemiMajorAxis":2262719035.148621, "Eccentricity":0.005633, "OrbitalInclination":-0.287063, "Periapsis":148.549487, "OrbitalPeriod":148495.990038, "AscendingNode":-67.148051, "MeanAnomaly":82.229681, "RotationPeriod":148495.996171, "AxialTilt":0.510204, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false }

{ "timestamp":"2023-08-06T12:35:34Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 A 1", "BodyID":9, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":1}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4", "SystemAddress":75832479337280, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":5.311597, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"minor metallic magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.000252, "Radius":418025.468750, "SurfaceGravity":0.574054, "SurfaceTemperature":453.132355, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":21.214369 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":16.045658 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":14.852445 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":12.489368 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":9.540806 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":8.761317 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":7.995907 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":5.209511 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":1.385286 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.362615 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":1.142722 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.667249, "Metal":0.332751 }, "SemiMajorAxis":1586706042.289734, "Eccentricity":0.007663, "OrbitalInclination":2.310863, "Periapsis":93.532296, "OrbitalPeriod":87199.397087, "AscendingNode":-126.689555, "MeanAnomaly":242.587968, "RotationPeriod":87199.404301, "AxialTilt":0.493974, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false }


{ "timestamp":"2023-08-06T12:42:59Z", "event":"SAASignalsFound", "BodyName":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 A 1", "SystemAddress":75832479337280, "BodyID":9, "Signals":[ { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Biological;", "Type_Localised":"Biological", "Count":1 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Geological;", "Type_Localised":"Geological", "Count":3 } ], "Genuses":[ { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Brancae_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Brain Trees" } ] }

{ "timestamp":"2023-08-06T13:02:01Z", "event":"SAASignalsFound", "BodyName":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 A 2", "SystemAddress":75832479337280, "BodyID":10, "Signals":[ { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Biological;", "Type_Localised":"Biological", "Count":2 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Geological;", "Type_Localised":"Geological", "Count":3 } ], "Genuses":[ { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Cone_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Bark Mounds" }, { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Brancae_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Brain Trees" } ] }


{ "timestamp":"2023-08-06T12:43:00Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 A 1", "BodyID":9, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":1}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4", "SystemAddress":75832479337280, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":5.310440, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"minor metallic magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.000252, "Radius":418025.468750, "SurfaceGravity":0.574054, "SurfaceTemperature":453.132355, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":21.214369 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":16.045658 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":14.852445 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":12.489368 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":9.540806 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":8.761317 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":7.995907 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":5.209511 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":1.385286 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.362615 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":1.142722 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.667249, "Metal":0.332751 }, "SemiMajorAxis":1586706042.289734, "Eccentricity":0.007663, "OrbitalInclination":2.310863, "Periapsis":93.532296, "OrbitalPeriod":87199.397087, "AscendingNode":-126.689555, "MeanAnomaly":244.426353, "RotationPeriod":87199.404301, "AxialTilt":0.493974, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false }

{ "timestamp":"2023-08-06T13:02:01Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4 A 2", "BodyID":10, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":1}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Pencil Sector BF-G a11-4", "SystemAddress":75832479337280, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":7.544948, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"major rocky magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.000408, "Radius":490646.562500, "SurfaceGravity":0.675227, "SurfaceTemperature":388.414764, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":23.720097 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":17.940886 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":16.606735 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":13.964546 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":8.940341 }, { "Name":"zinc", "Percent":6.446234 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":5.824830 }, { "Name":"arsenic", "Percent":2.206169 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":1.548908 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.523560 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":1.277694 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.667249, "Metal":0.332751 }, "SemiMajorAxis":2262719035.148621, "Eccentricity":0.005633, "OrbitalInclination":-0.287063, "Periapsis":148.549487, "OrbitalPeriod":148495.990038, "AscendingNode":-67.148051, "MeanAnomaly":86.077195, "RotationPeriod":148495.996171, "AxialTilt":0.510204, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false }

NoFoolLikeOne commented 1 year ago


I'm not able to reproduce it.

Did you arrive on a fleet carrier or by jumping?

athulin commented 1 year ago

(My email reply seems to have been lost. I include it for completeness:

"I jumped normally. (If you want the complete logs, let me know. They're split over two days, so I'd be sending the full logs, which I didn't want to unless you really needed them.)

Since I reported, I've sold that system to Universal Cartographics, and learned that I was the first to map A1 and A2. I don't see how that might affect anything, but it's one of those irreversible in-game things that just might. ")

I may have a second instance. This time I've only done FSS, and stopped after that. If you have any suggested approaches to checking that I need to do, let me know. I'll leave this system be for now.

Pencil Sector BB-N b7-0: After initial FSS, plugin reports (missing data): image

No tab for bio, but the tab for geo shows: image

Interesting that geo is reported in details for A1, A3 and A4 after only FSS (and possible autoscan), but not bio.

The canonn-signals page does not show any obvious differences, though it shows some inconsistency - some boxes are collapsed: A, B, C, D, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B2, AB1, AB2, AB3a, AB4, AB5, while some are shown expanded: B1, B3, B4, B4a, AB3. (I see no obvious reason why this should be, so I include it, even though it may be irrelevant)

In-game information differs from plugin (and signals page)

A3: reports 1 biological and 3 geological signals: image

A4: reports 1 biological and 3 geological signals image

That is, in-game knows about A3 and A4 having life, but plugin doesn't.

The relevant journal file is this: Journal.2023-08-08T075847.01.log

NoFoolLikeOne commented 1 year ago

FSS Reports that there is volcanism but you need to go to the surface and perform a composition scan to fill in the missing details.

athulin commented 1 year ago

As this probably is related to the issue you documented for #189, and has been sufficiently described there, feel free to close it.